Any clues on how to fix this?

Feb 25, 2009 15:42

I know I should have ditched AOHell years ago, but I've had the same e-mail addresses (one fannish, one RL) for years and years, and I'm loathe to give them up.

SO! In the wake of what seperis and others have said about upgrading to Adobe Reader 9, I dutifully went off to the site to dl the upgrade. It proceeded to hang-up on the screen where eventually one would hope to press the download link. No problem, I thought. I signed off, restarted the computer and signed back on. I can't get into my RL address at all now. It hangs up on the welcome screen because underneath the welcome screen, it is trying to load the goddamn Adobe page again. That's an advantage of AOL 9.1 -- that if for some reason you get abruptly cut off, it loads the pages you had up before the crash. Great, unless the page is what caused the crash and you can't get to that screen to click out of it!

Any suggestions? I've cleared my history, I've cleared my Temporary Internet Files. The goddamn page is STILL TRYING TO LOAD in the background and hanging up that screenname's welcome screen. I can still get in and maneuver around in my fannish address (I'm here via that right now), but I'm ready to throw the stupid computer out the window. I've spent the past two HOURS trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and how to fix it.

I know, people have real problems, but if any of you have any ideas on how to make that Adobe screen go away, I sure would appreciate hearing about them.

sometimes i hate my computer

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