Wow. I think I have a new favorite quote! Oh, Buck, sweetie, you do have a way with words. As a pithy descriptor, it's right up there with my personal motto: "Way down deep, I'm shallow!"
Imagine my delight at finding that I had five new-to-me episodes left, not four! \o/
Everything's better in these two eps -- production quality, relative realism, character interaction. Even Mary feels less plastic and more "real" to me in these eps. I see why you long-time M7 fans are so frustated that the series got cancelled when it did. These two eps show me what kind of show it could have been but didn't really get a chance to be. It also showed me that the actors have done a damn fine job, given the constraints of the production, at building three-dimensional characters.
Having said that, a few things sort of felt like they came out of the blue, and I wondered if I'd just missed some build-up along the way:
Vin's almost pathological defense of Josiah in "Penance" felt like it came out of left field. Have I missed a closer friendship between those two? I was surprised at how vehemently Vin defended him. (Aside: Loved Chris and Vin leaning together on the big POLE outside the saloon. Phallic imagery much?)
I know Buck's always kept his eye on JD and had that big brother thing going on with him, but the "I need you, what would I do without you" -- sweet as it was! -- felt just a little OTT in "Achilles." I loved it, don't get me wrong, but I'd have loved it even more with more underpinning.
All three of "my" guys -- Chris, Vin, and Buck -- get hotter and hotter as the series progresses. YOWZA.
PS: I found the Extreme Edition DVD of T2 -- the one with the added Kyle scene -- at my Target yesterday for $5.50. Needless to say, I snapped that puppy up.
PPS: Gorgerous Buck icon by