
Jul 20, 2010 23:49

a man has needs. i have needs, im a man, he's a man- where are his needs?

i get it, its mams, i get it, but its been over three weeks, three weeks of mams, its not like im asking him to go all out and scream the house down, or fuck me over the dinner table face down in a plate of pie and mash but come off of it peter, anything, just a little bit of heavy petting, ANYTHING, its been three weeks, you cant lay me like you did in spain and then go to nothing, its against yon geneva convention or sommat lad, play fair.

christ i feel like a born again virgin, and since when have you been above outdoor activities, might i ask you, gabriel? that were a perfectly good park, and there werent that many people about. alright, so we had the dogs wiv us but would it really kill you just ta give us a hand? anything, really, anything, just touch me for christs sake peter i aint got leprosy. kids get over seeing things like that, if they had seen, anyway. life lessons, is all it is.

you keep having a go about me being on playstation all night well news for you, pg, i started getting good at playstation last time you was in my bed and i could do nowt about it. that bed has never been christianed, peter, its not fulfilling its lifes ambition, its a virgin, pete, you gonna let it die a virgin? its MY bed and it aint ever been used for fuck all but sleep and pillow fights, thats no sorta life for a bed, pete. come on.

i love her, you know i do, but i might end up killing my own mam, pete, do you want that on your conscience? the death of my mother? i can take her fussing and her nagging and her mothering if at the end of the day i still get ta go home and do dirty things to you. this aint working out, im going mental, you cant let me get a hook up and then cut off the supply, mate. and i know you feel it too cause ive felt you looking at me, oh yeah i fucking felt it alright and i seen the way you avoid my eye after your showers so dont even play up that it aint getting ta you.

its a stress reliever pete, thats science, thats actual SCIENCE that is, and we've been well stressed lately, eh? havent we? and how much better would it be if at the end of another stressful day we could have a bit of a roll around? you'd feel better, i'd feel better, we'd be bright eyed and bushy tailed for another day of disappointment, but then we get ta go back, don't we, inta our own little igloo, and do the bad thing till we forget.

LOOK AT THIS, ive only gone and wrote a bloody essay on how much i need you, your hands and your arse and your dick and your mouth, kisses are brilliant sweetheart but im doing my nut in, im gonna forget how to do it soon enough, PLEASE peter, please... just a handy? Just a quick one, you wont even have time to over think it, there, job done.

aah peter. what a state you get me in.

thats it im going asexual, bloody hell, pete, im a homeless, sex now please thanks, not for you, i do, military tactics, this is fuckin ridiculous, mine, why does he do this to me?, nae joy, the things i do for you, seriously our relationship depends on it, ps i love you

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