[though this is addressed to o'neill, it's totally posted publicly.]

May 23, 2008 23:31

Dear Mr General O'Neill Sir,

It's come to my attention that we're missing a few important (and some less important) people. So I am going to list them for your attention, in no particular order. Please do your best to get them here as quickly as possible. (Except for Horn; you can take your time with him.)

Tycho Celchu. I think Wedge is pretty lonely now that Hobbie's shown up and he's the odd one out with the weird time thing going on. Since I now have my verbal sparring partner, it's only fair that he has his. I do my best, of course, but even Wedge Antilles occasionally needs a straight man of his own, and I am hardly a straight man. (Ladies, don't despair! I only mean in the comedic sense. Well, mostly.)

Princess Leia. Little Anakin (who is still older than he should be) seems sad without his mommy. And General Solo might be less grouchy with his wife around. Also, she is pretty.

Elassar Targon. Shalla Nelprin needs someone to beat up on.

Kell Tainer. See above.

Face Loran. Seriously, Shalla can never have too many people to beat up on. (He is also pretty, though not as pretty as the Princess.)

Ton Phanan. The best dead person you could possibly have here. He is to Face as Hobbie is to me. Also, he's a sarcastic doctor, and we don't have enough of those around.

Castin Donn. He could maybe slice through the network thingy for us so we can send messages out. Eddie Dean says this would let us order pizza without going through the soldiers. You can get rid of him afterwards.

Eddie also says to add Susannah Dean, Roland Deschain and Jake Chambers. I said I didn't know who they were and he handed me seven huge books. Seven! I'm only in four and they're pretty small. Then again, it's not the size of the book that counts, but what's on the inside ... hmm, I think I mixed that up. Never mind.

Oh, and Corran Horn, but like I said, take your time. I just want to see his face when someone tells him he's fictional.

Yours sincerely,
Wes Janson

anakin skywalker (redeemed), wes janson, jack o'neill, eddie dean, public post

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