WHERE: All over the base, entranceway.
WHEN: After the revolt begins and the appropriate spells have been cast, etcetera.
WHAT: Losing control.
WHO: Anyone and everyone who wants out. Rush the entrance!
Klaxons begin to blare throughout Area 42, and appropriately dramatic emergency lighting comes on. On every terminal and from every speaker, the following message flashes and is blared, respectively:
Alert. Alert. Containment failure. Containment failure. Safeguards deactivated. Isomorphic systems nonresponsive. Barriers breached. Repeat, containment failure. Subjects loose. All personnel must evacuate subterrannean sections. This is not a drill. Repeat, containment failure...
Everywhere in the underground prison, people and creatures from across the breadth of creative endeavor are on the move. It's always been possible to travel up in Area 42- a literally endless progression of levels and stages extended both upwards and downwards, infinite for all practical purposes. But now, something is different. As they climb stairs and ladders (no one has patience for elevators today, except for one fuming wheelchair-bound gunslinger), there's a definite sense that they're actually going somewhere.
The alarms continue, yet no one opposes them. In fact, many of their former captors are right behind them. The look of the base is starting to change now, becoming older and dirtier, less sleek and high-tech and more ugly and utilitarian. The Entranceway was one of the first parts of Area 42 built after the Gate was formed, and it was built in a hurry, with little consideration for aesthetics.
Finally, there's a level with no stairs or ladders or lifts leading upwards. Instead, there's a long, long tunnel, slanting up. At the end of the tunnel, there's a door.
And through the door, there is a light.
Suddenly the light is blocked by a figure. He is clad in black armor, his face hidden beneath a heavy helmet, and he holds his sword pointing at his feet. He stands like a block of granite between the inmates and the light. "None shall pass," the Black Knight declares.
ooc: The Black Knight is fully controllable by whoever, and is here more for a cameo than to be a real epic fight. The sabotage/hacking/magic has succeeded and the surface is now accessible- go for it!