Nov 27, 2008 00:37
Who: Padmé and Ferus (closed because I LOVE TO PLAY WITH MYSELF, APPARENTLY... er... yeah)
Where: The library
What: You're such a dick, Ferus
Padmé shook her head and signed off the computer terminal. Wes Janson a Sith lord - she did not really know the man personally, but she had read about him. Since discovering the books and other print material about the denizens of her reality some months back, she'd been voraciously reading and absorbing everything she could involving Star Wars. That it was still completely surreal to her that she and everyone else from her galaxy were indeed fictional characters was beside the point. There was no true harm in Janson's declaration and it would at least serve as a welcome amusement if nothing else.
She checked the time and decided that she should probably head back to her apartment. It was getting late and she was getting hungry - though between Anakin's near-constant snacking (over her laptop keyboard, no less) and the other two mouths (Shego's and Anna's) in her household, she didn't know if there would be much of anything left to eat.
She made a mental note to get groceries the following morning and picked up the latest stack of books she intended to sign out today - the Jedi Quest and the Jedi Apprentice series. She carried them to the counter and after they were checked through, she began to place them into the cloth tote she always brought along with her on visits to the library.
She looked up at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Ferus.
He was standing at the end of the front desk, appearing almost like a nexu about to pounce, it seemed to Padmé.
ferus olin,