[yes moar halloween]

Nov 04, 2008 12:43

WHO: Draco, Lupin (if you want to tag in, ask first, k?)
WHERE: Draco's rooms
WHEN: right after this
WHAT: Draco's nightmares

Draco was jolted out of his uneasy sleep by voices coming from behind him. "Dracooo .... Dracooo ..."

He jumped up and turned towards the source, freezing in horror when he realized it was the dead bodies of his parents walking towards him.

"Draco ... you let us down Draco ... you failed us ... didn't you love us enough to save our lives?"

"What ... no, no ... this can't be real, this can't be happening ... you're boggerts or something ... you aren't here!" Draco was backing up, as the specters advanced.

"You had our lives in your hands Draco ... you know the Dark Lord does not forgive failure ... did you *want* us to die? Is that why you deliberately failed"

"Please ... no, please ... I tried, I was trying ... but it was impossible, the task He gave me ... and ... it was something I should not have done- have tried to do ..." Draco's voice was breaking, and he was not paying attention to the fact that he was backing ever closer towards Remus' cage. "Besides ..." and here his voice gained a little strength, "in the books, it says you lived, so this can't be real ... it has to be some kind of spell ... some enchantment ..."

Hand shaking, Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it at this bloody figures of his parents. "Finite incantatum ... finite incantatum!"

Nothing happened. The specters chuckled, and moved even closer. "Really now Draco, we raised you to be smarter than that ... you can't banish a real thing ..." The ghost of his father extended his hand, about to touch Draco's cheek.

"Progeto!" Draco cried in desperation. But what should have been a silvery shield between himself and his would-be father, instead was ... nothing. Draco gaped at his wand in disbeleif. "Progeto! Repulso!" Still nothing, and more nothing. As a last ditch effort, he tried the simplest thing of all, making sparks come out of his wand. It wasn't even a spell, it was just something you could do by sending a little of your magic into the proper wand.

Nothing happened.

Draco screamed, and threw himself backwards, his back against Lupin's cage. He was completely oblivious to the fact that should Lupin shift now, it would be quite possible the werewolf could reach through the bars and claw him. All Draco could do however, was stare in horror at the wand clutched in his hand. "My magic ... my magic!!! ... how is it gone? ... IT CAN'T BE GONE!!!!"

He was completely unaware of the fact that he had started to hyperventilate, as tears poured down his face. "No .... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

draaaaaaaaaaacoooooooooo, happy halloween, remus john lupin, draco malfoy flips his shit, draco malfoy

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