(no subject)

Jul 31, 2008 18:44

Who: Mostly Spike and John
What: Truth spell ftl!
Where/When: Tonight at BB Buffy's room to start.

"Leave me ALONE!"

"Look, Buffy, you've got to realize the truth about this guy sooner or later!"

"Bite me--oh wait, I'd better not say that, because you're a VAMPIRE." Buffy pushed her way past Spike and into her room. "Stay away from me, okay? You and your whole insane group." She slammed the door in his face.

Spike frowned, hurt and frustrated. There had to be some way to convince her that this guy was bad news. She wasn't safe around him. He couldn't even get a dent in the "some vampires aren't evil" thing...how did Angel do it?

At last, Spike decided there was only one thing left he could resort to.


"I'd like a pound of Sitar Root, bagged all right? And not the cheap stuff, I want the velvet bag, yeah? Don't get any of the sodding junk on me."

The cashier smiled patiently. "Would you like that gift-cursed?"

Spike pondered this for a moment.

"Yeah, yeah, good idea. The bloke's name's John--J-O-H-N, uh, Hart, like Wolfram-And. No, no 'e'." Well, the thought certainly hadn't not crossed his mind.

"Oookay, that's an extra 10 quid."

"Don't say quid."


Ten minutes later, and he was at John's door, the bag in hand. He knocked on the door.

"Oi! Johnnycakes, let me in, yeah? I've got somethin' here for you." That would get his attention. Spike waited, with a sly grin.

so i herd u liek menznao, baby buffy, lol magic, spike, john hart, well it's about time, you're not helping

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