Who: Ikuto & Falcomon (OPEN!)
What: Digimon 101
Where: Room 1160 building B
When: BACKDATED to Tuesday
Ikuto stood in front of the class awkwardly, Falcomon next to him. He had not dressed up for this 'job'; he was in his standard warrior attire, Digivice out and in hand. He was pleased to see most of the people here had Digimon themselves. Once he figured enough people were here, he began speaking.
"Hello. I am Ikuto. This is Digimon class." He paused.
"This is Falcomon." Falcomon stepped forwards, waving a feathered arm.
"Most of you have Digimon. You know that Falcomon is Digimon. Digimon are creatures made from data. They change and evolve but never die. When Digimon is defeated, they become Digitama. Digi egg." Ikuto hastily drew three Digitama on the board.
"When Digimon 'evolve', it called Digivolution. I show you. Falcomon!" Falcomon nodded. Ikuto's fist glowed purple, and he held out his Digivice. Ikuto placed his hand on the top, and the Digivice reacted.
"Digisoul CHARGE!" Falcomon was surrounded by light.
"Falcomon, Digivolve!... PECKMON!" The large bird Digimon looked at the classroom, silent. He sat down, and Ikuto petted his partner with a smile.
"See? Falcomon Digivolve to Peckmon. Any.. questions about Digimon?"