Jul 27, 2008 22:19

Who: Shego (OPEN)
What: General Studies
Where: Room 1140 building B (next to the park)

Preschool/elementary: 800AM - 915AM (AGES 4-8)
Middle school: 915AM - 1030PM (AGES 9-12)
High school: 1030AM - 1200PM (AGES 13+)Shego needed to find the Joker and murder him brutally. This was true ( Read more... )

hannah montana, teacher shego, ray macartney, anna possible-go, ikuto noguchi, miley stewart, james adams, jake chambers, samantha go, taichi yagami, chikuto, takato matsuda, charles wallace murray, blair waldorf, jenny quantum, daisuke motomiya, riley freeman, chika daimon, shego, class, school

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HIGH SCHOOL ella_va July 28 2008, 02:29:32 UTC
navyafterone July 28 2008, 16:33:18 UTC
High school, hmmph. Sounded far too American to James.

Still, it beat being bored all day -- he'd lost track of the number of times he'd played through GTA4 in the past couple weeks, and Tekken just wasn't the same without his mates.

He slid into a seat somewhere in the middle and glanced around to see who his classmates were.


childofhobbie July 28 2008, 18:22:49 UTC
Arik slid into his desk, looking very bored. This was going to be a kriffing joke. What could they possibly teach him? They didn't even have hyperspace or blasters or lightsabers or...

Oh, hey, it's James! He gave the other boy a wave and settled back in his chair.


navyafterone July 28 2008, 20:59:31 UTC
James grinned and waved back. His fake Narnian brother! He glanced towards the front of the room and made two decisions quickly: one, class hadn't started yet so he couldn't get in trouble for moving, and two, it was better to sit next to a nerdy Star Wars brat you knew than to risk sitting next to a nerdy Star Wars brat you didn't know.

He scooped up his pen and pack of chewing gum (all he'd brought to class) and grabbed a free seat by Arik.

He held out the gum as further greeting.


childofhobbie July 28 2008, 21:16:20 UTC
Arik grinned as James sat next to him. Yesssss. This wouldn't be as boring as he thought! Oh, hey, gum. The teenager snagged a piece with a muttered, "Thanks!" and then popped in his mouth and started chewing.

Ah, the one constant of classrooms everywhere. Chewing gum.


queen_bee_blair July 28 2008, 21:25:05 UTC
Blair did NOT look happy as she entered the room, running a hand through her hair before grabbing a few books and sitting in the middle (so people from the back AND the front could see her, of course!). She crossed her legs, before looking at Arik and James.

Where the FUCK was Serena?!


best_ofboth July 28 2008, 21:26:36 UTC
Miley looked around the classroom as she entered, breathing in deeply.

She was Miley Stewart! She was HANNAH MONTANA! A new school was no big at all, right?

She ignored the bat leering at her as she entered, grabbing paper and pens before walking down the aisle. She paused at Arik and James, smiling.

"Hey, guys! Mind if I sit with you?"


childofhobbie July 28 2008, 21:50:43 UTC
Arik gives this new girl a smile and a nod.

"Not at all! I'm Arik, by the way."


best_ofboth July 28 2008, 22:02:20 UTC
Miley smiles in relief.

"Miley Stewart. You guys go to school back home?" Tennessee accent thick, she knew that some of the people here weren't from her type of planet.

God, that sounded weird, even in her thoughts!


navyafterone July 28 2008, 22:10:01 UTC
James answered this with a so-so hand gesture; it made sense in his head.

"Lots of classes between missions, none at all when I'm on them. So I love missions that last months."

He grinned, taking this opportunity to look Miley up and down (subtly). Not bad.

"I'm James," he added with a small wave.


best_ofboth July 28 2008, 22:27:31 UTC
"Missions? Say what?" The only mission she'd ever been on was to keep Uncle Earl from eating all of the cake at birthday parties.

She sat down next to James, noticing how cute he was and flushing slightly. Down, girl!

"Nice to meet you." She shyly extended a hand.


navyafterone July 28 2008, 22:49:13 UTC
"Well, back in my world--" He dropped his voice to a stage whisper, as if secrecy was still an issue. "--I'm a spy."

He smiled again and shook her hand, lingering a moment longer than necessary.

"D'you do anything exciting in your world, then? Besides school, which doesn't count."


best_ofboth July 28 2008, 22:52:17 UTC
"A SPY?" Miley looked excited.

"A freaking spy? That's so awesome!" She blushed as he pulled away, and shrugged.

"Not much.. an entire secret identity as a world-famous popstar named Hannah Montana, if that counts. But you're a SPY! How cool is that?! Lilly would freak!" She grinned.


childofhobbie July 28 2008, 23:45:31 UTC
Arik blinked. Hey, waitaminute. Secret identities? Spying? He needed to do something equally impressive!

"I know Luke Skywalker. And Han Solo."


queen_bee_blair July 28 2008, 23:53:09 UTC
Blair groaned from her seat.

"Just pull 'em out and measure 'em already, idiots!"

Would this hell never end?


childofhobbie July 29 2008, 01:18:17 UTC
"You're just jealous 'cuz you've never done anything astral, like be a spy, or a singer, or meet Han Solo or have a fighter pilot for a dad."


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