(no subject)

Jul 19, 2008 04:14

Nothing like doing the Superman to keep you up at night!

-Drakken totally has bombs and he's the smartest ever so watch it. No one responds to him, wisely.
-Anakin decides to tell everyone how much he loves them. Leia is 'like Padme but bad also'; Anakin wanted Qui-Gon to be his dad; Luke is assured that this is all Shego's fault and also that Anakin loves him because Luke saved him; Mara is now Anakin's daughter; Jacen, Tenel Ka, Allana, Jaina, and Anakin Jr. are all told in different ways how Anakin loves them. Touching. Oh, but Anakin totally hates Kyle.
-Andrew says he killed his friend and asks Hawkeye and Obi-Wan to help him. Also, he 'might' be gay. Lol. Hawkeye is like NO, and Andrew tells Shego he would tap her like a faucet if he were straight.
-GOB asks if everyone is high. THE ANSWER IS YES.
-You know what, Azula? No comment.
-Oh god, Death is stoned. Susan is horrified. Anakin is still bugging him about bringing Padme back.
-Uhhhh, Han has hemmoroids? He says "this isn't going to help him", and I think he means the weed. Hey, drugs help everything!
-Charles.. he... shit. He.. shit. Nevermind guys.
-Anna takes after her mom and proposes to Zuko. She assures him with his girlfriend's name and social security #, she can take care of that problem. I don't think they have SSN's in Avatar land.
-Susan and I believe Death take care of a stoned Draco. He acts a lot like Azula was.. uh, weird.
-Mara informs Luke that ANAKIN IS HER DAD NOW, YEAH. Also, HEY SHEGO SURE I'LL TEACH. She also kindly informs Siri that HEY YOUR BOOBS ARE AWESOME.
-Well, another Spike is back. Is this four, five? His poetry is.. uh.. that's some nice HTML, Spike. Yeah.
-Harmony is like not dead is this awesome y/n okay no one cares.
-IDK what Irene is going on about, but something tells me I don't want to know. Something about Sam and the Shifter? She's gonna kill the Shifter to make Dean feel better? Awesome.
-Thanks for telling me god loves me, Leoben, thanks- and yeah, I knew you love Kara. EVERYONE DOES. He also says he loves Cavil. 'Kay.
-The one person who needs to be high, isn't. Rorschach is frustrated no one will help him track down the 'source' of the drug problem, because everyone is drugged. Isn't it obvious, R?
-McNinja's stethoscope is shiny. End of report.
-Shifter forgot whose body he stole until a handy mirror told him. He also lols over killing Sam.

Whew, you high bitches were wearing me out! And now, it's time for the shit to hit the fan as the drugs wear off and everyone wakes up.

... But Hobbie is happy, because he got laid. Lucky : ( Apparently it was with Inyri. She is so kind to inform the base that she needs her panties, ASAP.

Anakin is missing parts of his suit that keeps him alive. If you find those parts, tell him immedi- I guess by the time I post this it's too late. GOOD LUCK ANI! Hope things worked out!

Zuko fucked his room up and ate every bag of chips ever. Good going, boy. Don't worry, I'm sure Azula is fine!

The Brigadier informs whomever poisoned the base that they are irresponsible, someone could have been hurt, etc. Something tells me she they weren't listening, though.

Theoden sees his movies and complains that he was portrayed as a coward. What geeky crap does he come from, anyways?

Hancock is mad that whomever poisoned the base didn't use stronger stuff. He was unaffected. Sorry, maybe next time.

... Someone slap me in the vagina because I could have sworn I saw a naked Cameron leaving a naked Andrew behind in the park as she tried to not die in the sun. What?

Faith saw BtVS and wants someone to help her. But apparently no one is good enough, lol, esp. not Buffy herself. Hey, I think she likes one of those Jedi, though. Good luck because girl, you're a fucked up bitch!

Alright, let's see what a few hours' sleep does GG. Maybe tomorrow I'll be more coherent~

You know you love me,
Gossip Girl xoxo

you know you love me, gossip girl

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