
Jul 11, 2008 19:33

Who: Sarah Jane Smith, the Doctor (Ten), the Brigadier, the Dalek [closed, plz]
Where: Room 22, Corridor 752, Level C
When: Shortly after thisWhen Sarah Jane had decided to taunt the Dalek, she hadn't exactly planned on getting captured. Apocalypse aside, the base seemed relatively safe. Besides, the Dalek didn't have any weapons. How was it ( Read more... )

the brigadier, daleks, tenth doctor, sarah jane smith

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Comments 36

exterminatej00 July 12 2008, 00:36:41 UTC
The Dalek was busy with the infuriatingly primitive human computer. Why did the Doctor like these creatures so much? He hadn't noticed her sneaking towards the door...yet.


his_sarah_jane July 12 2008, 00:45:36 UTC
She glanced behind her, happy to see the Dalek still preoccupied.

Glancing behind oneself, though, has its consequences. For example: at times, there could be random chairs blocking your path to escape. At times, furthermore, you may not notice them until it is too late.

"Fuck," Sarah swore when she tumbled over the chair, falling on her ankle. She clutched it, wincing in pain. "Oh, bloody hell."


exterminatej00 July 12 2008, 00:48:29 UTC
The Dalek immediately swung around. Not startled, because Daleks don't get startled. Yeah! Out of habit, the weapon aimed at Sarah Jane. Damn humans.



his_sarah_jane July 12 2008, 02:06:45 UTC
Sarah Jane tried to stand. She winced the moment she put her foot on the ground and nearly collapsed all over again.

"Absolutely nothing," she responded, doing her best to keep her fear out of her voice. It had been different facing a Dalek when she could run. "Simply looking for a chair to sit on."


brig_ls July 12 2008, 01:31:56 UTC
The Brigadier waited impatiently. Every minute that ticked by was another minute that Miss Smith was in danger. Danger she shouldn't have been in in the first place! If there'd only been something he could've done, it might be him instead of her held captive by that infernal machine.


lovetolongago July 12 2008, 02:04:39 UTC
Soon, however, the Brigadier wouldn't have to worry about his impatience, because currently, the Doctor was on his way to him.

He'd run into Rose in the hallways, earlier, and while she'd been intent on coming with him that just couldn't happen. Something had come up on the rift detector he'd set up, earlier that week, and one of them had to go look into it. Possibly take readings, possibly assess the threat of whatever it was that was coming through. And, unfortunately, that someone just couldn't have been him - he had to rescue Sarah Jane.

So he'd sent Rose off. He'd realized, a moment later, that going it alone with a Dalek probably wasn't the best idea, considering his history with them, however. And for a moment, he kicked himself, furious now not only with Sarah Jane for getting near enough to the thing in the first place, but also with himself. He shouldn't have been so rash. He should have thought about the fact that, being told to come alone or not, that was just not a good idea. And -- and the Brigadier, knowing ( ... )


brig_ls July 12 2008, 02:08:57 UTC
The Brigadier rose and strode to the door, throwing it open with a yank. Sitting and waiting was one of the things he hated down and the prospect of action cheered him, somewhat. A wave of relief washed through him at the sight of the Doctor, although he didn't let it show. Instead, he smiled grimly and gestured the Doctor inside.

"Hello, Doctor. What's the plan?"


lovetolongago July 12 2008, 02:17:54 UTC
The Doctor shook his head at the invitation, instead gesturing for the Brigadier to follow him. They, unfortunately, didn't have time for a sit down and a chat on battle plans - he'd have to brief him on the way.

"Allons-y," he ordered, the single French word lacking its usual gusto. Wheeling on his heels, he marched back the way he'd come, hands stuffed in his pockets so he could curl his fingers around the sonic screwdriver. And without pause to check if the Brigadier was following - if he had any sense, he would be - he launched into his plan.

"Dalek wants me to rebuild its weapon systems, yeah? That's part of the trade. My knowledge for Sarah Jane. But! Knowing the Daleks, it's not just going to let her go, once I get there. It'll want to hold onto her and, once I'm done, probably kill us all. Which is why I'm not going to fix it." A pause, and then, "I'm going to invert its targeting alignment, and hope it doesn't realize what I'm doing. If it works, it'll blow itself up, no help from us. If not, wellThe Time Lord ( ... )


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