(no subject)

Jul 05, 2008 21:34

Who: Anna Possible-Go and Kim Possible
Where: The park

Anna gripped Impmon's gloved hand tightly (a Digimon is responsibility, Shego had said), dragging him through the park and muttering to herself. It was odd to see a mini-Kim Possible with pale green skin and a Digimon her same height just cruising through like they owned the place.

"This doesn't look like OUR park, Impmon." Impmon grunted in response.

"I know. It looks.. nicer. Hey, are we gonna get in trouble for this?" Anna shrugs.

"I'm already grounded!"

"You set the house on fire!"

"ON ACCIDENT." Impmon sighed, knowing better than to argue with the six-year old. He tries to free his hand.


"Nuh uh. Mommy said if we get lost to hold hands until we find somebody nice to help us."

"I like Shego's advice better."

"To set everything on fire and beat up anyone who comes near me?" Impmon nods happily.

"Listen, together, we can take this park! BADDA BOOM, naw what I'm sayin'?" Anna giggles.

Oh, she is fine. For now. But after circling the park for about half an hour, she's pissed, and nervous, and misses her parents. Shego's advice is starting to sound nice.

She breaks away from Impmon, sitting down on the ground and pouting, holding her breath and clenching her fists. As they light up a familiar green, Impmon leans against a tree, waiting for the inevitable.

"MOMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY! MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Anna pitches a grade A shitfit, crying and screaming and pounding the ground with plasma-enhanced fists that make everything nearby shake.

Impmon plugs his ears, watching the purple-and-green D-3 on her waistband to make sure it doesn't glow. As the plasma fades and Anna is just flailing and crying, Impmon just sighs.

anna possible-go, shego, the present, no time like the present, kim possible

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