(no subject)

Jul 05, 2008 14:46

... right.

If i'm having some sort of nightmare, could somebody please wake me up?

It's no nightmare, master! Everything's so reeeeal!

Only in a nightmare would you show up in my dreams.

Miiieuuuu ... I'm sorry, Master.

... S'not your fault.

Anyway, so ... now that I'm here, might as well take things one step at a time, right Mieu?

Right! You can do it, Master!

Oh my Lorelei SHUT UP, THING Okay, then!

I'm Luke. Luke fon Fabre! And I guess I'm the new guy around here.

( OoC: Strikes = More like thoughts. xD So they're not quite open to public. Also, he has a little pet Cheagle named Mieu that came along with him. Everything in Teal lettering is Mieu. :] )

mieu, luke fon fabre, shego, a replica and his cheagle

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