Dedicated Follower Of Fashion - aka Caroline gets her shop on [OPEN POST]

Jul 02, 2008 20:06

Who: Caroline Todd and whomever wants to help the fashion-blind.
Where: The mall.
What: Someone needs an outfit for the dance. Someone needs help finding an outfit for the dance.
When: A couple of days before the party.

Well and well. Caroline had a date for this Friday.

This of course was a wonderful thing, given her recent romantic issues. This was also a worrisome thing, because she now had to Find Something to Wear. Given that the only dressy outfit in her closet was the wedding dress in which she arrived (shoved well to the back of the closet), this need pushed her out of her apartment and to the shops.

Once there, she was confronted with her usual dilemma. Caroline knew herself, knew that she spent her formative years studying hard to become a doctor, leaving very little time to learn anything about clothes and hairstyles and other traditionally feminine preoccupations. Her own total lack of fashion and color sense meant that her day-to-day outfits got put together largely by grab-and-guesswork, with results that varied between reasonably attractive and completely mismatched.

Clearly the woman needed help. But as she browsed the racks, she had no idea whom to ask for it.

OOC note: Anyone helping Caroline out in this thread should feel free to talk to each other as well as her. Clearly she needs all the assistance she can get. ;)

caroline todd, idk my bff helo, kara "starbuck" thrace, karl "helo" agathon

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