
Jun 25, 2008 11:00

Who: Shego & DemiDevimon, Chika & Piyomon ( Read more... )

chika daimon, chikuto, ikuto noguchi, shego

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littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 17:36:04 UTC
As Chika was still trying let what she'd learned upon her arrival sink in, she wasn't exactly in the best of moods when DemiDevimon landed on her shoulder; One hand clung tightly to Piyomon's talon, the large, pink bird trying his hardest to make sure his partner was okay.

Even though she wasn't quite certain how to take the news that she was a fictional character, that she couldn't get back home, and that she was stuck here until a way home was found, however, Chika managed a small smile at the bat, and a giggle as he nuzzled her neck.

She nodded in response.

"Uh-huh .. Piyomon's evolved to Garudamon before," She replied, looking to Piyomon, who turned his head away in his own bashfulness.

"That was only once, might I add," He muttered. Chika managed a giggle. This was great. She was finally starting to actually talkChika looked then to Shego and smiled. Might as well make the best of the situation, right? That's what mama and papa and Masaru-niichan would do ( ... )


ella_va June 25 2008, 18:37:12 UTC
She raised her eyebrow at the honorific, but did not comment on it.

"Lemme buy you lunch." DemiDevimon's eyes lit up and he flew at Shego as if attacking her.

"COOKIES!" She responded just as quickly with sarcasm.

"NO! Not for you, anyways. Chika and Piyomon can have some if they'd like." She smiled down at them.

"It's nice to see more Digimon around here. There are only a few now.."


littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 18:56:29 UTC
Chika blinked. "Well ... Digimon aren't supposed to be common around my world, either. Before I came here, actually, the digimon had been completely gone from my world for a few months ..." And then she heard lunch.

Before she could think about it, her stomach growled. She laughed sheepishly. Piyomon had to answer for her.

"We'd love lunch, thank you." Chika nodded.

"Yes, than you, Shego-san!"


ella_va June 25 2008, 19:01:54 UTC
Shego grinned.

"So you come from a world that has Digimon though, ultimately? There's another kid from a world like that, too. Were more, but only one's left." She missed Takato and even Daisuke's loud self. She led Chika to the cafeteria, waving to the people she knew.


littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 19:06:08 UTC
Chika nodded. "There used to be some of us with Digimon. I never had a digivice, so I wasn't an official partner with Piyomon, but I don't think that matters!" Chika giggled, holding onto Piyomon's talon. Piyomon smiled and nodded in agreement.

"We bonded. That's all that matters," Piyomon finished for her.

Chika blinked at the statement of 'another kid' from a world like that.

Her thoughts drifted back to Ikuto, and how he'd just suddenly ... disappeared.

She thought that he'd somehow found a way to the digital world to be with Falco-chan again, but ... maybe he ...

"What's his name, Shego-san?" She asked, and then blushed. "I-If it's not too much to ask, I mean .."


ella_va June 25 2008, 19:11:05 UTC
"No big." She'd grown accustomed to mirroring her girlfriend, so she didn't flinch at the terminology.

"His name's Ikuto. He has a Falcomon as a partner. That thing can get huge, Yatagaramon is amazing!" Shego smiled.


littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 19:13:55 UTC
Chika's eyes widened.

"I-Ikuto-kun is here?!" She squeaked out, halfway in shock and halfway in happiness.

Piyomon blinked. "And Falcomon, too?"


ella_va June 25 2008, 19:16:56 UTC
She paused for a moment.

"Oh, you're that girl he always talks about! I thought your name was familiar. Yeah, Ikuto's here. He's a sweet kid. Want me to call him and Falcomon to meet us?" She grinned, knowing they would both be happy to see old friends.


littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 19:27:25 UTC
Chika nodded, her expression brightening. "Yes, please!" Piyomon smiled as well. Not only was Chika talking now, but she seemed to be much happier to know that Ikuto and Falcomon were here.

Piyomon was happy, too. They were both going to see their best friends again, after all.


ella_va June 25 2008, 19:29:48 UTC
Shego chuckled, pulling out a cell phone and dialing a number. She rolled her eyes as Ikuto still wasn't used to the machine.

"Yo, Ikuto. It's Shego. Meet me at the cafeteria. Verrrry important." As she did a hollywood hangup, she found them a seat.

"What do you two want? You can get anything."


littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 19:33:36 UTC
Chika was too excited to really think of what she wanted to eat. Another growl from her stomach told her that she needed to eat, however, so she looked at everything she could choose from and thought for a moment before pointing to a sandwich.

"That looks good," she said cheerily. Piyomon laughed.

"I'll have the same."


ella_va June 25 2008, 19:40:48 UTC
Shego ordered for them both (and for D), sensing her excitement and remaining mostly quiet. She turned as she felt Ikuto, but heard him quickly.

"Chika! CHIKA!" Tears in his eyes he ran over with Falcomon, immediately latching onto her in a hug and crying.

"Chika, I miss you!"


littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 19:54:15 UTC
Chika turned as she heard a familiar voice call her name, her expression brightening even more as she saw her best friend rushing toward her.

"Ikuto-kun!" She squeaked in delight as he latched onto her, returning the hug that he gave her. Try as she might to hold in her tears, it was nearly impossible to do so, and soon enough, she was crying as well.

"I missed you too, Ikuto-kun!"

Piyomon looked to Falcomon and walked over.

"Well, well. Haven't seen you for a while," He said happily.


digimonboyikuto June 25 2008, 19:59:24 UTC
Shego only smiled, giving the two privacy.

"How did you get here?" His grammar was a bit better after his lessons from Shego, but his personality and even clothing were the same. Falcomon grinned widely at his fellow Wind Guardians Digimon, giving him a hug as well.

"Back at you! How'd you get here?!"


littlest_daimon June 25 2008, 20:18:29 UTC
Chika didn't let him go. She wouldn't for a while, as far as she was unconsciously concerned.

But she blushed a little as she heard him ask how she got here.

"Uhh .. I decided to take a shortcut on the way back from school. I'll leave it at that," She said with a sheepish laugh.

Piyomon hugged Falcomon back, then pulled away just after. "I honestly don't know. I was flying ... and then I was here, and Chika was by my side."


digimonboyikuto June 25 2008, 21:15:33 UTC
Ikuto nodded, and became excited.

"Chika, is so wonderful here! Teacher.." He looked for Shego, but she had left to give them privacy.

"Teacher is nice. White man is kind, and Father is very admirable. He teach me about God." Ikuto smiled proudly.


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