[insert sensationalized title]

Sep 05, 2024 20:28

.It’s been a long time since I posted anything here, huh? To be fair I have not been passionate about anything in a while which makes it harder to write in general. I mean I was really into Lackadaisy for a while there, but it’s faded since and my memories of it taste of mental distress. Not that it was all bad! I still love the cartoon and follow the project closely. It’s just that my borderline behaviors worsened last year and many interests at the time became tainted in its path of destruction.

Very dramatic way of saying thinking about 1920s booze cats cartoon fandom now makes me feel really sad.

Aside from that a few significant things have happened: I bought a house with my wife and her family (thumbs up) and my best friend killed themself in a hotel back in my home country (thumbs down). Not cool, Zeta, not cool at all. It’s been quite the year, honestly. Lots of grief, lots of mental bullshit. I should probably write about it at some point just not right now, I don't want to be a downer. Maybe next time I feel myself spiraling or something.


I am very normal.

It’s name is Error like me and they are very marketable. My friend quonit designed it for me because I kept turning all my fursonas into ocs and changing them to the point I no longer felt like they identified me because they were now their own person.

Quo's original design COLORED.

As you can see I tweaked and played with the design a bit, but the core features remain. I am ambiguous canine once again.

This was one of my first drawings using Quo's design as a reference.

Took me a few attempts to settle into a style that felt natural, but I got there.

Happy!! I think. Or distressed if it was part of a vent piece. Lets go with happy lmao

Six year old Error. It's fun to draw different stages of my life.

This one's my favorite drawing so far, it's very pretty. Just me hanging out and my friend Shads' fursona.

There's a wide array of emotions and repressed memories that I only feel comfortable exploring by drawing myself. Not as my human form, but something more distinct enough to put a healthy amount of distance between me and whatever the emotionally charged thing is. For a long time I was lacking a vessel to express that so I'm still giddy about this. I also really like drawing wacky facial expressions and human faces are weird, I like furries much better.

I don't wanna write a closing paragraph. Enjoy the drawings or whatever, I'm tired of writing XD

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