AND FINALLY, pics from Pride 2005 (was it really a week ago already???)
The day started off with Vyletz rockin' it on the South Stage. They played an awesome set - too bad it got cut short by the INSANE FUCKING HEAT.
Liz & chelle
And the ever-so concentrated Cheryl
The Cliks played next which was awesome because I hadn't seen them play in a really long time. Watch out for another Cliks/Vyletz pairing sometime in the future...
After their set, the girls proceeded to completely soak themselves to try to cool off, so now we play a game called Find Which Band Members Are Wearing Meaghan's Clothes.
Shenanigans at Mick E Finn's followed, which included at least 2 marriage proposals.
Liz: Meaghan's shirt, bra, socks.
Proposal #1: chelle & Liz.
chelle: Meaghan's shirt
Faux-mo: Meaghan's shirt (that still hasn't been returned, along with the OTHER shirt of Meaghan's that she borrowed...hmmmmmmm)
Loverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs in a dangerous tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime...
Sometimes Liz has some trouble eating... I help her out
Back at Tufty's house, Liz says, "Something feels wet...
...oh. It's my crotch."
Post water fight in Tufty's living room. It's Pride. Water fights are allowed indoors, apparently.
Sunday started in the 519 Beer Garden.
I ROCK the double chin, clearly. Yay herpo!
Caught Anj's set and saw Jess for a total of 2 seconds as I was leaving in a rush, after realizing that she'd been sitting 2 feet behind me the entire time...we're smart like that.
Anj & Cael
Most of Sunday wasn't captured in photos because it was spent running around going crazy trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the gig the next day, then once everything got cleared up, more fun times at Tufty's house ensued.
Elaina says, "Don't mess with me, mofo. Ima cutchoo."
Tufty pulling a classic "Wha happen??" as Faux-mo apparently tries to prove her straightness...
Andy likes her popsicle a lot.
chelle wonders if that big thing stuck in the ground is a popsicle and if so, could she eat it?
On yours maaaaaaaarks....Get seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...
Lesson for the faux-mo: Don't discuss out loud whether or not you should shove a cupcake in someone's face because they'll do it to you first.
I love how perfectly the rainbow transferred to her face. CLASSIC.