Title: February song
Characters/pairing: Arthur/Morgana, Cenred/Morgause
warning: Very mild language, implied incest
disclaimer: Merlin isnt mine. I dont think i even want it anymore.
summary: "Both men knew that if he didn't agree, one of them would die. Most likley Arthur. He could'nt rule his kingdom from the grave."
A/N: I wrote this on friday
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He didn't deserve what happened to him. Stupid writers! *glares at them*
I'm glad you liked Cenred. I wanted to get that across, the way he cares about Morgause but he's still him.
Cenred and Morgause would have made a gorgeous and powerful couple if their relationship had been explored a bit more
I know :(
Cenred didnt deserve it at all. I didnt think Morgause would do that either. I dont think the writers know their characters half as much as we do XD
I think we should write Merlin episodes ourselves because we would be miles better than the actual writers. Haha. But I think many of the episodes wouldn't have plot and would be X rated :P.
Morgause would never have done that to Cenred..well the Morgause in my world wouldn't have. Deep down she cared for him but I think it's hard for her because she doesn't want to show her emotions to much.
We should. Our version of Merlin would be made of epic. And sex, like you said. lol.
My version of Morgause wouldnt do that either. I think because she wants whats best for Morgana she put her own emotions away, and plus she probably isnt used to really feeling much.
I think the poor woman wasn't loved when she was growing up, she was just brought up learning magic and the Old Religion but never had proper family so she doesn't know how to use many of her emotions so she just locks them away and puts on her HBIC face on.
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