Title: The palm of your eye
Characters/pairings: Castle/Beckett, Gina
word count: 1,575
rating: pg
warnings: none
spoilers: mild, for 'A deadly game'
Summary: 'He had come back, and he had brought her with him.'
Authors notes: It's my second one, i hope you like it. Again, it's probably out of character. But i dont know. It's basically a rewrite of sorts, for the new series. And it's quite long, too.
He came back, and he brought her with him.
Kate Beckett had not let herself hope he’d return alone. That would be selfish of her. She’d not let herself hope he’d come back for her, and only her. She’d not let herself hope at all. In fact, she’d done her best to force Richard castle out of her mind for three months, though it hadn’t always worked.
But then of course, he’d sauntered back in like he owned the place and everyone in it, with the blonde woman in his arm that she’d watched him walk away with so long ago.
This is what hope gets you, she thought bitterly, as she watched everyone greet him. Pretty blondes in stiletto’s.
She watched Ryan and Esposito shake his hand in a friendly way, with a pat on his back. As if he hadn’t ignored them for three months. As if they hadn’t watched him hurt her like he did.
Suppose they had forgotten? It’s not like she ever mentioned it. They had slowly got used to not mentioning castle to much, for fear of her icy glare and sharp, snapping orders. She couldn’t even help how she reacted now. The hurt she’d felt, she had squashed it down so much that it turned into anger. At everyone.
Slowly, Castle had greeted everyone, until there was just her left. He’d glanced at her when he’d arrived, but she’d avoided his eyes, staying on the edge of everything. She avoided his eyes until he’d walked right up to her, until there was no option left. She had to talk to him.
She looked him right in the eye. His magnetic blue eyes. She held her head high, and forced a smile.
“Hello Castle.”
There was an awkward silence. Neither of them looked away from each other, but her expression was more passive than happy.
Gina tried to break the silence, and Beckett hated her for it. It was unfair, but she was suddenly jealous that Gina had been the one to recover her self first. Beckett found that years of saving face didn’t help when it came to Castle.
“It’s nice to see you again Detective.” The blonde smiled widely. Too widely. A fake smile.
“You too.” Beckett matched that smile. She felt that there was a moment of silent communication between her and the other woman. It said: I’ll be civil if you will. So let’s get this over with.
Beckett looked at Castle again, who had now began staring at her. Studying her? Seeing how his absence had affected her? Well he wouldn’t see anything. Her carefully painted mask covered anything he’d ever done. She’d not give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d affected her.
But he had, and she felt that now. A hollow feeling in her stomach that threatened to wipe the smile of her face. She had to get out of here, away from his stare.
“I’m sorry; I think Ive left something in the interrogation room just now.” She lied. “I do actually need to go get that.”
“Oh, ok.” Castle, who had been quiet, had been robbed of his chance to start a conversation with her. “Well, it was good seeing you again. We’ll just...be out....here.” he trailed off as he took in her vacant expression. She nodded and turned, stalking quickly down the corridor.
It had been unfair, but necessary. One more minute and he would have seen the cracks in the armour. She left him with his ex by her desk, noticing he didn’t start a conversation with Gina.
She blundered into the empty interrogation room, leaning on the desk as soon as the door shut. Beckett let out a low, heavy breath she didn’t even know she’d been holding. She wasn’t going to cry, she’d done her crying months ago. But her heart still ached. Literally ached. To her this was just another painful reminder of weakness.
Her breathing became a little more ragged, and she squeezed her eyes shut - she felt a headache coming on. She was just wishing Castle would leave so she could get some drugs for it in peace, when the door opened.
Beckett whipped around with a quiet gasp, to see Gina timidly enter. Shut the door behind her quickly.
They stood in silence, Beckett regaining her composure. She had expected Gina to rip into her, warn her off her man or whatever. But what Gina did say surprised her.
“Considering you’re a cop, you don’t think of very good excuses.”
“...what?” Beckett frowned in confusion.
Gina smiled. “Oh honey. Every woman had used the ‘I left something at home’ excuse at some point. God knows I have, the number of bad dates ive been on. It’s almost become my catchphrase.” She laughed.
Beckett didn’t know what to make of this. So she’d seen through her lie. Ok. But now she was trying to start a conversation with her? Strange, considering how Beckett had just stomped off to hide from her. Though Gina was being nice, at the moment. She decided to go along with it.
“I know why you’re hiding out in here.” Gina said. “He has that affect on most people.”
“Uh...I felt ill, actually. And I left something...I was ill.” Beckett mumbled incoherently. Three months of not mentioning castle had rendered her unable to have a conversation with or about him.
“It didn’t work out. Our marriage, mine and ricks. You know that. It was both our faults. As much as I loved it while it lasted, I would not go back there again.”
“Oh really?” Beckett said harshly, regretting it instantly. So much for ‘going along with it’.
“Really. And plus, he doesn’t want me now anyway. He’s different. You changed him.” Gina shrugged.
“Well I’m sorry.” Beckett said sarcastically. “If it’s any consolation, he still annoys me.”
“I can tell!” Gina laughed again. “But I can also tell you have feelings for him.”
“Feelings...of annoyance.”
Gina shook her head. Beckett could tell there was no point arguing really. As Castle’s publisher, Gina probably based her whole career on arguing with people over deadlines he couldn’t keep. But Beckett was stubborn, too stubborn for her own good. And she wasn’t going to admit that which she’d been hiding for two years, no way.
“It’s something more, for him anyway.”
“He likes the novelty of having a ‘muse’. But the novelty will fade, and then he’ll leave me in peace.” Beckett said coldly. Castle probably didn’t deserve what she was saying about him, but she said it anyway.
“You know that’s not true. He see’s something in you. Some thing he’s not seen in anyone else. I saw that in the Hamptons, when he wasn’t even with you.”
“What do you want me to say? Really?” Beckett snapped. “You want me to tell you I’m in love with him? You want me to go out there and fall into his arms? That is never going to happen.”
Gina raised her eyebrows. “In love?” she echoed. “I can see that. I didn’t want to at first. Work and relationships don’t mix well. But yes...it could work for you two.”
“I’m not...” Beckett opened and shut her mouth, having been caught of guard. What on earth was wrong with her? What had happened to the quick, strong Beckett that she knew?
“When you left three months ago...” she started, staring at the floor. She knew she’d never say this to Castle. But she felt she had a silent, strange affinity with Gina, now. She felt that she wouldn’t best friends with her, ever, but maybe she could trust her. And plus, she had to say it now. She suddenly could not stop herself.
“When he left...I was about to...well, he invited me to the Hamptons and I was about to accept.”
“Yeah. Oh. Anyway, I know it’s not fair to blame either of you for it, because neither of you knew. But still. I did break up with a very nice man, for him. For Castle and then he threw that away.”
Gina suddenly smiled widely. Beckett had admitted to her what she wouldn’t to anyone else. That yes, she had feelings for castle. That she had been ready to open herself up to him. Beckett thought she was smiling because of the trust there was between them now. She almost smiled with her, until Gina turned to the mirror on the wall. To the observation room.
“I told you so.”
And then she walked out, leaving Beckett frozen.
It had gotten cold. It had gotten silent. Beckett did not dare look into that mirror, at her own face staring back at her, when she knew someone was behind that reflection. Someone else in another room had just seen her poor her heart out to some half bitchy book publisher. And she knew who.
“Castle. We cannot talk when your behind a god damn mirror.” She said quietly, angrily.
Less than a minute later, Castle burst into the interrogation room. He wasn’t smiling, but he wasn’t angry. She didn’t know what the look in his eyes was, until he bound forward in one fluid motion and took either side of her face in his hands.
“You should have told me.”
“I know.”
“I would have stayed, if you’d asked.”
“I know.”
“I would-“
“Please shut up castle.”
His answer to that was to kiss her. And she let him, smiling.