Just got back from the orthopedic surgeon and have scheduled my hip replacement surgery for September 18, 2007. Even though it's a long 4 months away, I'm sure the time will just fly by. So, by this time next year, I'll be an official bilateral hippy and will hopefully be pain free for the first time in years!!
My right hip replacement is doing fab, after 18 months, the dr informed me that I'm lopsided due to the pain in the left joint, making my left leg slightly shorter than my right. He promised to fix me, but I'm back to using the cane again, just to keep things stable until the surgery. Time to put my new House "flame cane" to use!! I bought it last week, with plans to use it during rehab, but now it has become part of my wardrobe probably until the end of the year (oh well, it could be worse).
http://www.fashionablecanes.com/3451.html I'm going to try my best to keep this journal updated before, during and after the surgery, unlike last time. Hopefully, it might be useful for someone searching LJ looking for info.