... I'm bored.
Riddle time.
First one.
"In the book of Revelations, there were 12 stones that would become the foundation of the 12 gates of New Jerusalem. Which of these is the Second True Treasure?"
Second one.
"In the world where 1 is 2, 5 is 5, and 8 is 7, what appears when you multiply 331 and 3 without heaven and earth?"
Last one.
"Shirley was cheating on her husband in Jack's room. Who was the director?"
[[ooc; All of these appeared in .hack//SIGN episode 11, "Party".
Answer 1: "Amethyst". It's the birth stone for February.
Answer 2: "EGG". The first part of the riddle refers to calculator font, or 7-segment letters. The second part means it is read upside-down, and 331 times 3 = 993. Read upside-down in calculator font, it looks like the word "EGG".
Answer 3: William (or Billy) Wilder. "Shirley" is Shirley MacLaine, "Jack" is Jack Lemmon and that the question refers to "The Apartment," an 1960 movie directed by William Wilder.
... No, I don't expect anyone to get these. xD; ]]