Feb 03, 2014 19:19
.. I told you I was going to try and start using this journal again!
I don't much touch my PC, as I had mentioned before. So I want to try and turn it on once a week to get here and write. Today I'm online so I can try to find information on making my own clothes. I can't seem to force myself to like the 'styles' and trends that are out most of the time.. And trying to mix and match clothes from other years makes me look stupid, seeing as I have no fashion sense. ;.; So I need to attempt to make my own clothes. I'll certainly begin with pants (lounging sort) and shorts and probably long skirts. I know someday it'll be Summer again and I'll be able to wear dresses and skirts again..
Sigh.. I hate the Winter this year. I love snow. But we haven't got much snow. It's just been -25F the last few weeks with record breaking lows ever recorded. Fabulous. Just great.
Trav and I plan to have our RV by Fall. We will just need to decide if we want to move in and leave for the Winter or if we will wait until Fall of '15. Only reason we'd be staying is because we both have amazing jobs and LOVE them. I would like to be at it a bit longer before I leave. I wont, and Trav wont, land such amazing jobs with amazing people so easily again.
I miss photography. I really have been taking an epic amount of photos with my phone. But I miss the challenge of learning with my dSLR. I still only have ONE freakin' lens for it, though. So I'm never inspired. I always dream of what I could make a photo look like.. Then remember I have a 50mm. Pff. Great lens. but not what I want anymore these days. I think about photography almost constantly!
Welp, food time!