(no subject)

Nov 19, 2010 17:57

Welp. I really want to sell some photography. Or get hired to do something photo-wise. It's been a goal for some time. I want the wheels to start! I love photography and want to improve. I would love to get even just a little money for it so I can save all that for future equipment.

I've been waiting and trying my best to save up for a 5D MkII. I love my 30D. But I shoot in low light for damn near everything. Being able to pump my ISO to an absurd amount would be so amazing for my shots. I would have plenty more to share. Instead I just tuck them onto disks and hide them forever.
I also want the full sensor. I love wideangle. I know, I know.. You're thinking " You LOVE wide-angle but you never shoot with it, dumbass!" Well.. I don't have a wide-angle lens. Again.. After moving my goal was to save up money for these things. Well.. We moved.. And we found new jobs. But we can't seem to get full time.. And we are getting paid 3+ dollars less an hour. So now we are struggling to get on our feet. And man does it suck! So yeah.. I would love to sell photos.. Sell myself for worth!

Main problem being: I'm very shy. I can't just walk up to people. It sucks. I also have no idea how to properly build a portfolio. *facedesks*

I digress.. I just needed to rant. I haven't anyone to talk to. Travis is at work and I'm just bumming around on the net. Looking at photography junk. I look at lenses and such when Travis isn't home. Last year on my birthday our saved up money got stolen ON my birthday. Travis was so sad cause we didn't get to do as planned. It was hard to cheer us up.
This year we're stumbling to get on our feet after moving. We've recently overdrafted in the bank and struggle to make bills this month due to lack of hours/pay per. hour. So he's kinda saddened again. It's hard to cheer the big guy up.

:) I love him, tho. It's sweet he cares so much about me. ^^
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