May 25, 2005 00:40
wow I seriously do not know how much more I can take of this. No one understands how much I really do not want to go to graduation, and I want nothing to do with all of that. People dont care.. they like to say that they do, but in all reality, they dont. I dunno, I have had everyone that I have ever loved or cared about crush my heart.. I wish that I could be as happy as I use to be. I was able to truely smile.. not have to keep this fake one on, or not smile at all.. Its hard, and it makes me even more sad that I cant be like that. I mean, I see awesome ppl all the time, and I cant even pick up the nerve to tlk to them because Im afraid that Im going to get hurt.. like I always do. If there is anyone out there who is honest.. tlk to me cause I have yet to find ONE person of that kind. Im tired of being sad, and although I still laugh, and have a great time I still come home sad... you know the littlest things make me sad. Like saying hi to my neighbor, who by the way I have thought was totally HOTT and havent been able to tlk to him.., and he just kind of shoos me off.. :-/ hmm its probably just me. On a completely random note, has anyone seen those sunsets lately?? OMG they are gorgeous.. and what a better time then when my aunt and uncle are in town. well Ive got to get to bed.. I have a rehursal to show up to tomorrow. pEaCe.