To the friends that have kept this journal as an active one, I'm back and have grown.

Dec 31, 2008 05:51

The last page of 08' is about to turn. It has been 123 weeks since I last updated my livejournal.
I'm moving into a fresh apartment with the beginning of a fresh year. I am surviving in Chicago, IL. I'm deeply in love. I have a full time job at a bar/restaurant/lounge/club called The Lion Head Pub and The Apartment on Lincoln Ave. I've developed a greater sense of balance with maturity and free spirit. I can prioritize! I used to be terrified of growing up especially on my own. Now I am eager to and very much comforted by this inevitable circumstance. My guiding light in darkness is a woman named Barbara Jean Harris. She is the hammer forging the blade that is my manhood(not referring to my body parts). The blade that has severed my fear and self doubt. Our love and the mutual tolerance for one another in concurrence and disagreement has been a blessing to me. So my new year's resolution is to succeed wherever I have failed in our years. To finally bring ME to the table and lay before my guiding light a truly devout mate. Unfortunately I have to cut this short. I need as much rest as I can get for moving, serving the masses their holiday spirits, and most importantly regeneration of the machine that is my body. In other words I am fucking tired.

Start moving at 10:00 am.
Start work at 4:00 pm.
End work at 2:00 am.
Start living at 2:01 am.

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