Back to School is good. Dig my classes, except Math, where I feel like a third grader, but it's cool, because this is the last math that i'll ever have to take ever in the history of ever.
Louis is coming to visit next weekend. Soooooo excited.
Want to start Tenor rehearsals. I miss doing theatre. A lot.
Got a rug at Target on the cheap. The really cheap. I like it. muahahahahaha.
Amanda and I watched Titanic tonight. Yeah, we are that cool.
Take the first sentence from the first post of each month (stolen from Elena)
January: She makes me so mad.
February: Auditions for spring show today. Don't ask how they went.. I never know how my auditions go.
March: Well, I finally did it. I finally told someone exaclty what I thought of them exactly when I thought it, and I articulated my thoughts rather well, if I do say so myself (I now know how Meg Ryan feels in You've Got Mail). Yes, maybe I was a little harsh, but it was well-deserved.
April: Rent rocked! Wow wow wow wow wow!!!
May: Prom last night. Everything about it was just really, really fun. Glenn was a fantastic date-- I would rather go to prom with my best friend that with some guy on a "date" any day.
June: 5 hours of tagging panties... what could possibly be more fun?
July: What could be more awesome than my new suit from expess? Probably the fact that I got it for FIFTY DOLLARS!!
August: What rocks about my job? Getting a free bra today rocks about my job!
September: so, so far college is kicking hardcore ASS!
October: Reason that College Rocks #114: Getting to go see Obama speak and being like FIFTEEN feet away from him! WOOT
November: So, I parked my car on chicago, and this car full of five stupid frat boy types drove by after I got out of it, and yelled, "Kerry's a pussy and he's gonna lose, Iowa slut!"
December: Can I just say how great it is to be home? It is really fucking great to be home.