(no subject)

May 12, 2013 21:20

I think I have earned a week off from Sunday Six, no?

In other news, I could almost cry because Malaysia Airlines have a deal whereby if you leave not later than 5th December, you can get a flight to NZ for under £900 (as opposed to the £1300 to £1800 I am looking at elsewhere). I cannot realistically get leave that early - I can probably blag a few days unpaid to leave around the 12th, but the 5th is just not going to happen.

OK, Malaysia Airlines it is. That... was quite a lot of money. That I don't have anymore. *hyperventilates* HOLD ME SCARLETSCARLET.

And now I have to forget about it and sort out Washington/New York/Toronto out, because that is now just a little over two months away. AHAHAHHA *hides under blanket*

Urgh but first I need to send articles to the graphic designer. *flail*

Enough about me and my stressing. TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOU.

i have no tag for this

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