Mar 11, 2013 22:02
You'd think, with Sunday happening on a fairly regular basis, usually around the same time each week, that I would get the hang of this. OH WELL.
“Let me take some of those,” she says, and some of the boxes move out from under Darcy’s chin, allowing her to actually move her head again. Score.
“Urgh, fantastic, thanks,” she smiles widely. Her personal heroine is extremely attractive - heart-shaped face, long dark hair, and a lovely, lovely mouth. Today is definitely Darcy’s day. “I’m Darcy,” she offers. “I’d offer to shake hands, but I don’t think that’s going to happen right now.”
“Natalie,” her companion responds with a warm smile. “From Legal.”
[Each Sunday, post six sentences from a writing project - published, submitted, in progress, for your cat - whatever.]
sunday six