Apr 22, 2011 13:31
• Just slept with the window open for the first time this year. Loving this warm spell so much!
• I am now off my anti-depressants.Yay? I don't really feel that different, which I suppose is the best indicator for it having been the right time to come off them. But it feels decidedly anti-climactic. I guess I could celebrate by working on getting my liver back in condition. The meds messed with my ability to hold my drink, so I haven't been drinking a lot at all in the last couple of years.
• Random observation: Why is it that whenever a reference is made to the perfume worn by a female baddie, she is inevitably wearing gardenia perfume? SO WEIRD. And I'm kind of tempted to go buy some gardenia perfume, just because I'm somewhat contrary that way. >_>
• According to the Met Office, the next few days are going to be a very slow hurricane or something. The wind (such as it is) is Northeasterly at the moment, but will gradually work it's way round to Sou'sou'east, before flipping Norwest and working back round to Nor'nor'east. Slowest twister EVAR.
• Have just got off the phone to a friend back home. Apparently she took way too much Valium a couple of weeks ago. She seemed to think I already knew about it or something. I've known her since Uni and she's consistently brought the crazy, so in some ways it's not that big a surprise. She was upset that a lot of the people she wants to rely on aren't there for her. One of them has actually washed his hands of her. So I got to explain to her that she has been doing the same shit over relationships for the 12 maybe years I've known her, and that eventually people have to save their own sanity when they know damn well they can't save hers. She's so frustrating, in that she will talk very sensibly about how she needs to handle whatever, then goes and does basically the exact opposite. Will she actually do anything with what I told her this time? I doubt it, but at least I tried. I'm not particularly upset about it or anything. Her crazy is not news to me. It was just a weird conversation. At least she wasn't crying anymore by the end.
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