Jun 04, 2011 19:26
Well, the first week (or first few days) are over, and I've met each of my new classes. Interesting bunch of students. I'm teaching a healthy mix of Agriculture and Science, and having an interesting time with each. The lessons are hugely long, about twice the length of the lessons in my original school. This is really difficult, my mental alarm clock constantly goes off with "five minutes to the end of the lesson! Clean up pack up time!" before the lesson is really half over. I'm getting there though.
Meanwhile, I've found a motel which rents rooms by the week, which means that I've settled in to a tiny one-room "serviced apartment" really, with free electricity and water, cleaning and things done once a week for me. I'd take an apartment or something of my own, but it's actually cheaper to live here than in a real apartment! Plus, it's a community of different people from all over the world. It was recommended to me by one of the senior teachers, and I'm really comfortable here.
I've been having hijinks today trying to get into the school on a weekend in order to get into my farm. I wanted to say hello to my chooks and give them a scratch around outside. It seemed the padlock wouldn't work, but it did in the end, and I was able to unlock and lock the gate. I planted peas in the school garden, filled a pot with newly purchased mint seedlings and put it under the leaky tap, and the chickens got to eat some milkweed and have a short scratch around. They are Isa Browns and Leghorns, and they are lovely creatures, very tame. The rooster is a fine white leghorn, not six months old, and a beautiful shape.