So. Fun things. We got a new puppy on Saturday in the way that my family does- my mom saw a man giving them away from the back of his truck and me and her took a look. We were just going to coo over them, but that hardly ever works with us.
My mom had them in a death!hug we talked ourselves into taking one. People would probably say that getting pets should never be a spur of the moment thing, and that you should plan it, but that's not how we roll. Like, ever. Both of our cats were "Hey Abby, you like cats right?" and then an hour later I had a kitten. That was actually really stressful as I'd never had a cat before.
But dogs- we know dogs. We've been fostering puppies for a local kennel for a year or so now. Usually only for a month or so, but we always get them right before they are fully potty trained and when they still chew everything. We've got that covered. Plus, unlike the fosters, there is only one puppy. We usually foster 2-3 at a time and that is crazy. It's hard to carry more than one puppy and taking them to the vet to get fixed? Suucks. The puppy!care schedule is pretty good to. I've got care of it Monday and Friday afternoons and all Wednesday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she will only be in her cage for a few hours before my brother or father gets home.
The agreement I made with my mom about keeping the puppy is that I'll be doing much of the care, but she always takes most of the puppy!time. So far I've mostly just napped with the little guy. But she does have my temperament, ie napping schedule. It's pretty much sleep for an hour, play for a bit, eat, go to the bathroom, and then fall asleep again.
So, everyone say hello to Charlie aka Chalie-horse, Pup!Chuck, or Chuck. And yes, she was named for Supernatural. I had to do it. SHE IS THE PUPPY CHUCK.