I found this today when I googled apocalypse 2011 to look for readings for my church service on apocalyptic cults this Sunday. Hilarious!! I'm having excerpts from it as one of the readings.
Greetings to the Imprisoned Citizens of the United States. We are Unitarian Jihad. There is only God, unless there is more than one God. The vote of our God subcommittee is 10-8 in favor of one God, with two abstentions. Brother Flaming Sword of Moderation noted the possibility of there being no God at all, and his objection was noted with love by the secretary.
We are Unitarian Jihad, and our motto is: "Sincerity is not enough." We have heard from enough sincere people to last a lifetime already. Just because you believe it's true doesn't make it true. Just because your motives are pure doesn't mean you are not doing harm. Get a dog, or comfort someone in a nursing home, or just feed the birds in the park. Play basketball. Lighten up. The world is not out to get you, except in the sense that the world is out to get everyone.
You can get your own Unitarian Jihad name here or here.
Personally, I find that there algorithm is a bit backwards for me. You know how theirs all take the name of [Weapon] of [Nice, Peaceful Quality]? Well, I think I'm more like a [squishy thing] of [cranky quality].
I knew you were Unitarian, didn't know you were agnostic. But it's sort of charming that your religious affiliation tells me nothing about what you believe... other than that it's not fundamentalist. *g*
I sometimes used to call myself a pagan atheist, because I was drawn to certain rituals. Smudging, ritual hand washing, etc. I found them soothing and focusing, without actually assigning any specific belief to them. But now I've just lapsed back into atheism. *g*
I'm not a church-goer -- actually, I'm an atheist -- but you could probably lure me in for a service about the zombie apocalypse. *g*
You're familiar with Unitarian Jihad, I presume?
Greetings to the Imprisoned Citizens of the United States. We are Unitarian Jihad. There is only God, unless there is more than one God. The vote of our God subcommittee is 10-8 in favor of one God, with two abstentions. Brother Flaming Sword of Moderation noted the possibility of there being no God at all, and his objection was noted with love by the secretary.
We are Unitarian Jihad, and our motto is: "Sincerity is not enough." We have heard from enough sincere people to last a lifetime already. Just because you believe it's true doesn't make it true. Just because your motives are pure doesn't mean you are not doing harm. Get a dog, or comfort someone in a nursing home, or just feed the birds in the park. Play basketball. Lighten up. The world is not out to get you, except in the sense that the world is out to get everyone.
You can get your own Unitarian Jihad name here or here.
Personally, I find that there algorithm is a bit backwards for me. You know how theirs all take the name of [Weapon] of [Nice, Peaceful Quality]? Well, I think I'm more like a [squishy thing] of [cranky quality].
Like, I am Sister Comfy Chair of STFU.
I lean sometimes towards pagan, sometimes theist, but mostly I just have no clue!
I sometimes used to call myself a pagan atheist, because I was drawn to certain rituals. Smudging, ritual hand washing, etc. I found them soothing and focusing, without actually assigning any specific belief to them. But now I've just lapsed back into atheism. *g*
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