Can you say hot?

May 07, 2007 18:20

I feel like taking off all my clothes and just sitting on my futon. That's how hot I am. Fuck.

So I had two midterms today. I studied all weekend long, which is why I didn't update and such. I guess they went ok. I don't think I did badly, but I'm not super confident about them either.

Yesterday, when I finished reading the assigned chapters from my oceanography book that I haven't read all quarter till Saturday, I realized that it was really really interesting stuff. Then that got me thinking about my major, and in my head I was thinking, "Man, Economics kinda sucks. I wish I could major in Geological Sciences and study the ocean." And then I actually went and looked at the major requirements - as if I was actually going to be able to major in it.

I'm so weird. I am totally not the person to devote my whole life to a career path or some big huge research project. I should have realized that a long time ago. When all the other little kids knew what they wanted to be when they grew up, I had no idea. I think I've always found paleontology fascinating, but I never obsessed over it or actually thought I would be one. I was too busy enjoying school and having fun learning. And in high school, I still had no clue whatsoever. I still don't. I wish I could be a student forever - like it could my occupation for life. I could become this total Renaissance women and know about every topic in the world. That'd be awesome.

I don't know if it's me being scared or me being curious about life. Four years of undergraduate school is not enough for me. Maybe ten would do the trick. It might just stem from my anxiety about growing up. I've never wanted to grow up. I love youth and would stay 7 or 17 forever.

As I walking to my first midterm today, I had a random thought - I wished I could be a squirrel and hop around at Stanford and climb trees and hang upside down. The squirrels have the life. Bastards.

I wish I could sleep for days. I'm pooped.


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