[FICATHON] Mine Earthly Joy, for lareinenoire

Sep 03, 2012 16:54

Title: Mine Earthly Joy
Author: speak_me_fair
Play: Richard II
Recipient: lareinenoire
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Isabel, Richard.
Warnings: Thoughts of underage sex
Rating: R due to the above
Summary: Isabel knows what she wants, even if she cannot have it. And to know a thing is to make it true.

Mine Earthly Joy )

histories ficathon v, fic: characters: isabel, fic: author: speak_me_fair, fic: pairing: richard ii/isabel

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Comments 5

lareinenoire September 3 2012, 22:05:48 UTC

This fic is so gorgeous and so painful. Also, creepy. VERY CREEPY. I both want to hug her and to back away very quickly. ;) Thank you so much, Mystery Author!


lareinenoire September 4 2012, 13:08:22 UTC
Okay, I have now had time to properly read this again and actually come up with a response that is mostly coherent.

I love how Isabel imagines her relationship with Richard here--in her head, it all exists, and that of course fits beautifully with what we've seen in the play (especially creepy pregnancy metaphors--oh, my goodness, that is so effective here). It doesn't matter what has or has not actually happened; what matters is how she's looking at it and imagining it. Beautifully written and so very, very sad.


gileonnen September 3 2012, 22:43:50 UTC
Why hello there, theology. *___* The prose is gorgeous, but the meditation on thought and action and sin and consummation is particularly striking. Well done!


likeadeuce September 4 2012, 01:32:55 UTC
Beautifully written & very resonant.


gehayi September 4 2012, 02:15:20 UTC
Eerily beautiful. There's a quote from a bad movie called The Dungeonmaster: "I reject your reality and substitute my own." That's Isabel in this, building a reality of future acceptance and love. And I love that her Catholic training about sin convinces her that on a spiritual level, she and Richard really HAVE had sex already; that makes so much sense. Of course she would feel that way.


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