[FICATHON] A Thousand Ships, for speak_me_fair

Sep 03, 2011 16:20

Title: A Thousand Ships
Author: likeadeuce
Play: Henry IV, Part I
Recipient: speak_me_fair
Summary: It wasn't the first time you met her.
Word count: ~1350
Rating: PGish
Characters: Harry Percy/Kate Mortimer; a little Hal because he wouldn't shut up.
Warnings: Second person. Hotspur being Hotspur. Hal being Hal.
Notes: Canon-compliant, more or less. Obviously, ( Read more... )

fic: pairing: hotspur/kate, fic: characters: hal/henry v, histories ficathon iv, fic: characters: hotspur, fic: second tetralogy, fic: characters: kate percy

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Comments 13

speak_me_fair September 3 2011, 21:54:41 UTC
Oh, dear author, this was wonderful! (And I confess without shame that I loved how Hal was in there, being a complete son-of-a-bitch and trying to start a fight probably because he was bored).

Hotspur and Kate were wonderful and awful and made me laugh throughout their interaction, especially: "You were forced to consider that she probably had been holding the book the right way up." because that encapsulates so much lovely facepalm I don't know where to start!

But this was my favourite, because it is the Hotspur of my mind, too, and to have that presented to me as a gift is something I don't know how to thank you for:

You didn't think that out, in so many logical steps, because you never were that kind of thinker. But every element was in your head, smashing together and giving you the clear sense that you were standing on the wrong side of the yard.

Perfect. Just perfect.



likeadeuce September 9 2011, 18:06:47 UTC
Aww, glad you liked it despite how I kind of ignored the prompt specifics. I also didn't think you'd mind a little gratuitous Hal.

Thanks for the request and for reading!

And, yeah, I figured my authorship was pretty obvious here. . .


speak_me_fair September 9 2011, 18:24:28 UTC
Oh goodness, really the specifics were plucked out of thin air, and this was just WONDERFUL.

(also, who DOESN'T like a little Hal-being-a-dick in their story?)


a_t_rain September 3 2011, 23:04:27 UTC
Oh, my! Little!Hotspur is really rather adorable, despite the hints of the man he's going to become, and Hal and Kate are perfect.


likeadeuce September 9 2011, 18:07:30 UTC
Hah, I like this. 'Hotspur was surprisingly endearing, considering that he's Hotspur.' Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading/commenting.


gileonnen September 3 2011, 23:48:24 UTC
I love how much you GET Hotspur's simple-but-comprehensive thought process. ^__^ This was a real delight to read, and the prose was positively scintillating!


likeadeuce September 9 2011, 18:09:43 UTC
Thank you! The second person viewpoint ended up being really fun and appropriate for him -- it let me develop his thought process without his having to be CONSCIOUS of his thought process. *shakes head* Oh, Harry, Harry.


(The comment has been removed)

likeadeuce September 9 2011, 18:10:11 UTC
Thank you! They're a lot of fun to write.


lareinenoire September 4 2011, 00:23:11 UTC
Awww. That is Kate/Hotspur in a nutshell. They are so utterly adorable here, with Kate and her Greek and Hotspur being Hotspur. And, of course, Hal.

"Men don't fight over me, Lord Hotspur, because they understand I'm perfectly capable of fighting for myself. They don't come over here and bother me while I'm reading to tell me how pretty I am because they're afraid of me."

"I'm not," you told her.


likeadeuce September 9 2011, 18:10:49 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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