[FICATHON] Rock Me Asleep

Aug 26, 2010 21:25

Title: Rock me asleep
Author: the_alchemist
Play: Henry VIII
Recipient: cherith
Characters/Pairings: Anne Bullen, Henry, Elizabeth
Rating: 12
Warnings: It's rather melancholy. And there's some stuff about sex.
Summary: Anne remembers.
Length: 1040 words
Notes: Thanks to borusa, who beta read it.

Rock Me Asleep )

fic: characters: elizabeth i, histories ficathon iii, fic: author: the_alchemist, fic: henry viii, fic: characters: henry viii, fic: characters: anne bullen

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Comments 4

cherith August 27 2010, 02:48:53 UTC
It's lovely and sad and wonderful. Thank you.


likeadeuce August 27 2010, 04:27:20 UTC
This is beautiful. It's a very different look at Anne, and you handle it with great skill.


17catherines August 27 2010, 13:50:21 UTC
This is beautifully done.


speak_me_fair September 3 2010, 23:22:51 UTC
Beautifully constructed around the lyrics, and you did warn how sad it would be!

I especially loved: The last words I heard Elizabeth speak were these: "it's not fair."

That was just absolutely perfect.


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