It is THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN, in which it is time to increase the amount of histories fic in the world by lots. We have done this twice now, and I feel that by fandom standards that counts as an Institution.
A few clarifications and ground rules:
1. "Histories," for ficathon purposes, means "stuff categorized as histories in the 1623 Folio," which means "medieval and early Renaissance English histories." Which means the two tetralogies (Richard II/Henry IV/Henry V and Henry VI/Richard III), King John, and Henry VIII. Please be advised that Macbeth, King Lear, and Cymbeline don't count for this ficathon, nor do the Roman histories (they've got
ides_of_april!), but the possibly-partly-Shakespearean Edward III and Sir Thomas More have enough claim to being Shakespeare that they count (if anyone wants fic about them). Crossovers with other early modern plays are permissible, but not other crossovers (for instance, with media properties such as Doctor Who or Harry Potter -- I'd happily read either one, but please don't request or submit them for the ficathon). Incorporating historical knowledge of the play's time period is perfectly valid and does not make the fic a crossover. Radical AUs are, as always, also permissible (and really, if you are in this ficathon you probably know that this fandom LOVES them).
2. As always, this is a fic exchange. Assignments will go out as soon after the deadline as possible, once I (along with my lovely co-mod
lareinenoire) have had a chance to look over the entries.
3. We're open to pretty much whatever genre -- gen, het, slash, femslash, giant hilarious orgies, whatever, so feel free to request whatever you like.
4. All ficathon administrative posts will appear here at
thisengland. There may be occasional reminders at
shaksper_random, since the whole thing started there.
5. Word limit for fics is 1000 minimum, like in
Things to let us know when you sign up:
1. What you want (be as specific or not as you want. Please give at least three prompts, to make matchups easier and to give your writer a bit of a choice).
2. What you are most comfortable writing
3. What you would rather not write
4. Whether you're willing to pinch-hit
Email all of this info to me at strangebrooch AT gmail DOT com, or to
lareinenoire at lareinenoire AT gmail DOT com, by 15 JUNE. Don't forget to include your lj handle if it's not clear from your email and/or I don't know who you are. Alternately, I suppose you could just post here. The final deadline for fics is tentatively set at 15 AUGUST. (This is negotiable if it's a bad time for participants.)
NEW FOR 2010: In the past we've just posted the fics more or less as soon as we got them. This year we have decided to change that and follow the practice of
ides_of_april, and wait two days before posting the fics. In the meantime, I will post all unwritten prompts at
thisengland for anyone to write fic of any length (even if you weren't originally part of the exchange). I'll explain the rules for that when it's a little closer to the deadline.