In case you can't get enough of the Histories Ficathon...

Aug 19, 2009 18:56

Now that most of the official fics (save one) have been posted, it's time for HISTORIES FICATHON MADNESS.

The way that works is as follows: I'm posting all the unclaimed prompts from the ficathon below. If you want to write one of them, go ahead and do so, and then send it to me (strangebrooch AT gmail DOT com) or to lareinenoire (lareinenoire AT gmail DOT com). Basically it's like NYR for Yuletide. Please include the standard header info in your submission.

Also, HFM fics can be of any length, and you don't have to have signed up to participate, nor does defaulting (with or without notice) on a previous ficathon affect your ability to take part. There's no deadline; if you get a submission in before the reveal (next week) it'll go up anonymously; if not, author info will go up with the post (or I guess you could just post it yourself in that case).


I like most things Richard II-related. I love virtually all the slash pairings in the play (possible exception of Richard/Hotspur which is Not Really My Thing, but if that’s what you feel most comfortable writing I expect I would still end up enjoying it very much!), I also love gen. If I had to pick a favourite pairing I’d be torn between Richard/Bolingbroke and Richard/Aumerle, but really, I am easy to please in the RII world. :) I would be thrilled by something set during or before the play, or indeed after…I love angst, but would prefer not to receive deathfic (except if that’s what you REALLY want to write, in which case go ahead - I wouldn’t like to think of anyone Stamping On The Muse because my request was too fussy!). I would enjoy something happier too, if that’s more your thing. The only thing I’m really not too keen on is fic written in blank verse, which generally doesn’t work for me.


I would also love fic about Henry IV and Hal -- particularly if the fic focuses on what they have in common and ESPECIALLY if one of those things is that they both loved Richard. Well-done Henry POV is a major major plus, because he doesn't get written nearly enough.

Henry VI fic! I would quite like something focusing on Henry himself, since he is almost never written in fic. Especially if it touches on his really complicated relationship with Margaret (and Prince Edward). Alternately: nobody is going to write fic about Jack Cade, because nearly every single request has said "NO COMMONS PLZ," but if someone did, it would rock.

Also, in general, I love things like crazy or sensible AUs (though you don't have to; AU or not as the spirit moves you) and interesting writing styles; I tend not to like efforts that try to sound like Shakespeare, so don't worry about that.


For King John: I love the Bastard. Anything with him would make me happy, but especially: Funtime family follies at the Faulconbridge household, ESPECIALLY incredibly awkward moments around the dinner table. OR after the play, he has to help a bitty Henry III grow up, and he is really not all that good at it, despite his newly-acquired civic-mindedness. I'd LOVE something funny but I know how hard funny is and something touching or sad (especially with the second prompt, sad awkward family drama would probably be TOO MUCH) would be great.

For the Henry VIs: anything with York! But I'd love to see hijinks in France, or dealing with his kids. Foresight about how Edward is probably going to Screw Things Up would be great. Long-sufferingness. Or angsty stuff about the crown and kingship and war and death.


King John, Constance in some context other than the play's. With Geoffrey would be great, with Philip (and Geoffrey? I'm up for the Philip/Geoffrey slash that history vaguely gives us), or with her insane in-laws. Generally, I'd like to see her before making Arthur king was the only important thing in her life.

Richard III, Richard and Anne. All right. I think this is the question that everyone in the world asks, but what was Richard and Anne's marriage like? The play gives us that brilliant and monstrous seduction scene and never again lets us see the two of them together. I am open to a multitude of interpretations and would be fascinated to see what you could come up with.


Richard III: Clarence-centric fic of some sort. If slash could be managed somehow that'd be brilliant...but if not it doesn't matter. As long as it has Clarence, that's great.

Richard II: Richard/Bolingbroke! Some sort of pre-play slash. Some sort of fluffiness would be nice. If possible.


3 Henry VI: The interactions of Edward, George and Richard have always fascinated me, and I'd love to see a fic about this. Seeing each of the brothers' perspectives on the same event might be interesting. Of course, however, any approach other than the one I've mentioned would be good too! Anything goes! Well, I'm not big on incest, but anything other than that.

Richard III: I'd love to see Buckingham and Lady Anne interact (I could see this anywhere on the spectrum from romance to complete hostility--whatever you think would be interesting). Preferably with overtones or undertones of Richard/Buckingham.


RII/Bushy, RII/Greene, RIIAumerle -- minion action!

I am always interested in RII/Henry. Also interested in RII/Anne, RII/Isabel, RII/Queenie.

RII and anyone, basically, especially Henry.

Femmeslash, ANYBODY. I am also really interested in fic about Margaret of Anjou -- gen is fine!

Hal/Hotspur (in Shakesverse, because the historical chronology doesn't add up).

Hal/Poins would be fun, altho I am not v interested in emo smoochies. I see them more as fuckbuddies who have a helluva good time and both know they're slumming. Hal/Falstaff GEN would be fine (NOT anything sexual).

I have fallen in love with RIII this year BUT I like Shakesverse plotting scheming eloquent evil RIII! not the 'rehabilitated' flavour. I would be really interested in RIII/Anne.


I like Henrys more than anything (in order: Hal, Hotspur, IV, VI) and love a good bit of testosterone that may or may not give the reader the impression something a bit on the slashy side may happen. (Or if something on the slashy side *does* happen, that's awesome too!) I've been recently feeling a lot of love for Richard III, so if Henrys aren't the writer's forte, maybe some awesome R3 introspection. If any of that doesn't click for the Ficathon, then perhaps someone has a father/son fic floating around inside their head looking for an excuse to be written. I don't even care who; I can't think of a single Histories-based father/son relationship that doesn't have the potential to be awesome and fascinating.


Henry IV and/or Richard II fic. I'd love to see something about Northumberland. G-PG-13, please.

Richard III fic. This is going to be a weird request, but I'd like to see Richard self-justifying. Possibly you might write him as less villainous than possibly-schizophrenic. Like--instead of determining to prove a villain, he goes through all of his murders and plots and self-portrayals truly believing that what he was doing was right, justified, in line with his moral standards, and a reaction to a world that would've been far worse if he hadn't intervened, because this is a world that is uncertain and out to get him and full of suspicious things that he doesn't understand. Or possibly you might want to write him tallying the costs, trying to prevent worse bloodshed and worse national instability. Or possibly he just has some kind of god complex and doesn't think anyone else can rule, that anyone else was ever meant to rule. Or something else I haven't even listed. Up to you!


Something about Eleanor of Gloucester. Massive, massive bonus points for references to hatesex (metaphorical -- I'm looking at you, Michael Drayton! -- or otherwise!) with Margaret, although I am very happy with Humphrey/Eleanor since that is a pairing I can completely see. Even more bonus points for bringing in Jacqueline 'Not-appearing-in-this-play' of Holland, his actual first wife.

Crackfic crossover between Richard II and Thomas of Woodstock. Preferably involving zombie!Greene, illicit shagging, and Richard with multiple personality disorder (since I really can't think of any other way to explain the brain transplant between the two plays. Aside from maybe an actual brain transplant or claiming Woodstock!Richard is in fact an android. Which would also work.).


I should note that I like comedy and banter and making out.

Doll Tearsheet, the eloquent prostitute with a knife. Navigating the Doll-Pistol-Quickly love-hate-friends strait might be fun. I'd also like to see her relationship with Hal (since the two don't get direct interaction, IIRC).

Lady Percy! She is hot! Hotspur is hot! I don't think the Percies do fluff, but I would like to see their relationship working. How they fell in love is always good! Or that thing they do where they both have short tempers and yell a lot and then have sex.


Slash or gen only. I have no interest in reading about het romances.

I'm fascinated by Richard II, and would love some sort of Richard/Bolingbroke interplay, especially set near the end.

Mountjoy - backstory, his relationship with Henry V. Slash would of course be lovely.


Any of the first [i.e. second -- ed.] tetralogy, crossover with whatever the recipient feels like. AU would always be amusing (but please no high school, as I wouldn't understand the references and sit there having to have it all explained and feeling like an idiot).

With regard to specifics - I'm easy. Something involving (in whatever context, slash or gen) Hal, Richard II, and/or Hotspur. Snark a niceness but not a requirement :-)


Richard III. Hurt/comfort. Richard is hurt, anyone else (either canonical or original) is doing the comforting. This being Richard, it's more than a bit fucked up, of course.

I would love to see lots of the female characters (a mixture from both tetralogies, but no-one from King John or Henry VIII) together in a mid-twentieth century boarding school AU. Some characters I'd really like to see there include:
- Margaret of Anjou
- Elizabeth Woodville
- Lady Anne
- La Pucelle
- Princess Katherine (and Alice?)
- Eleanor Cobham
- Jane Shore
- Mistress Quickly
- Countess of Auvergne
I'm imagining gen, but femslash is great too.

histories ficathon ii

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