would it be wrong would it be right

Mar 23, 2006 07:46

I'm actually thinking a lot more deeper about things lately. And I like it. I've been rethinking the whole past 3 or 4 years of my life and am trying to decypher why I did so many things and didn't do so many things. There are some people that I owe my life to, some people that I treated badly wihtout possibly even knowing it at the time, and others that diserve the greatest hug known to mankind. Then there are the 8,000 Jules's that have slowly been created over time. I don't know wether I can correct the mictakes I've made, but I really wish I could. There are times I want to call certain people, then I snap back into reality and think how it might look to them out of the blue. I'm kind of stuck right now, but I'm making sure not to do anything impulsive. Not just yet anyway. Maybe that infact is the right thing to do. Just go for it. I mean there's nothing wrong happening now by not interfering with thier lives, but is there really a benefit? I dunno, I still could use a little more time to grow up before I make certain of my dicisions.
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