sunday afternoon shopping traffic

Nov 21, 2004 16:03

and the saddest part is that i feel so comfortable here, and its not the place for me.
I pace back and forth worrying about them but i can't be a parent. one by one the fall and it kills me every time. With guilty hands I can only sigh in remorse of our shared condemnation. I give and give until its all given away and here i am again. Repentance is a frailty so rarely requited, and a cup so much neglected. I see their eyes one by one with "fines" and "okays" and each lie pushing further and further away. My honesty has put me on the block and i sit with kicking legs, waiting. I look away and return with so little to say. This is home? i could think less of life. But i am thankful for the walk.
Instead of so often attempting to conquer me, drain me dry of what i've got to give you or to fully grasp me can we just walk? can you just hear me breathe can you just be there? Can i just remember to give back to you when i am feeling empty. I will try. I will lie down for you again and when you come back to me dressed up with your decadent perfume come with mallet in hand to drive the nails into my hands and display me in your front lawn and call me your title or your saviour and ill wait here bleeding while you go about "your life." But this time look deep into my eyes as i watch you drive the nails ... see my eyes give... and return.. peer deep and tell me you love me again.. .tell me you will never leave me .. and tell me you believe what i say.. .tell me there's no one else... and how you desire to be near me.. tell me again... lie to me again.. kiss my cheek like you did before and ill dub you judas. The one that made our home a whore house. a den of thieves. a graveyard.
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