Gay Panic

Jan 16, 2008 16:40

A friend passed this along... Sound familiar anyone?

New Bacteria Strain Is Striking Gay Men
Published: January 15, 2008

A new, highly drug-resistant strain of the “flesh-eating” MRSA bacteria is being spread among gay men in San Francisco and Boston, researchers reported on Monday.

In a study published online by the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, the bacteria seemed to be spread most easily through anal intercourse but also through casual skin-to-skin contact and touching contaminated surfaces.

The authors warned that unless microbiology laboratories were able to identify the strain and doctors prescribed the proper antibiotic therapy, the infection could soon spread among other groups and become a wider threat.

You can read the rest at the NY Times

Well Jesus H Christ on a Harley! I suppose it won't warrant a long hard look (excuse the pun) until it starts striking the hetero folks?

I have a few problems with this article and with the conclusions it is drawing:

1. The article clearly states that (aside from anal intercourse) the bacteria is spread through casual skin-to-skin contact and touching contaminated surfaces. So how is this a *gay* issue? It seems just as likely that Joe Hetero could get the nasty bacteria by shaking hands, touching a desk, etc. and pass it on to his coworkers, touch football buddies, family, etc.

2. Gay men are not the only people having buttsex. Really. Regardless of what the puritans of this country may want us all to believe, people of all stripes are having anal sex. Who knew? I can see the slogan now: "Anal sex- it's not just for fags anymore!"

And if the bacteria can be spread through casual contact, isn't it just as likely that heterosexual intercourse or oral sex of any kind would produce the same result? Heavy petting? Long makeout sessions on the parents couch? Really, they all involve a decent amount of "casual" skin-to-skin contact, wouldn't you say?

3. The study states that gay men in San Francisco were about 13 times more likely to be infected than other people in the city, "according to another part of the study." Of course, they do not say how this information was gathered or analyzed. Umm, details please?

Yes, it is scary that there is a nasty drug-resistant bacteria out there. Yes, it's something medical science be looking at closely. And, yes, it is something the public needs to know about in order to take reasonable precautions- although the only precautionary measure given in the article is to wash with soap and water, something I hope we all do anyway.

I thought we were (mostly?) over the "gay panic" crap. Wishful thinking, eh?

health, rants, news

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