I might be taking up a new instrument!
Yes, its true, I might do keyboarding, but only not. See, only if the damned thing worked. It works on and off, but it's a piece of shit. Haha, it sucks, I felt like splitting it or burning it into just a burnt keyboard. Heh...
I did nothing today, I went to my grandpa's new place. It's nice, but not done cause he hasn't moved there yet, we've got to fix the place up a bit to make it half decent. But the guy gave me his keyboard, which fucking doesn't work as I said before! Then unlike we planned, I didn't go to Sawgrass. Unfornately, I went to Home Depot. Boring as shit, it really was. The guys there fucked up the keys they were suppose to copy. Dumbasses, even I could do it and I don't work there. Then I went home. Played bass for like 5 hours, practicing my stuff. I'm having some problems on Rise Against for some reason, I was fine with it before. But now it's just not flowing. Damn, it sucks. But I know what song I'm gonna get tabbed next, Cereal Wars, by AFI. I like the bass on it. It was nifty. So I've decided thats next to learn to play.
WOO! 3 days until Thrice's new CD comes out, The Artist In The Ambulance. Then 7 days until I go to Warped Fucking Tour!!!!! YES!! :)!!! I'm so excited about going to WT. I can't wait man, it's gonna fucking OWN!
Oh yeah, yesterday at the thrift shop, I saw the 3 hottest girls ever in my entire life. But they were older than me, and I don't think they go for my "type" of guy. But heh, I wouldn't try anyway, they were so hot, they prolly had 5 boyfriends and each one didn't care that she was pimpin' them all. I bet it. Dammit, that's pretty hawt....
YAYAY! More Dillinger Escape Plan! These guys own. Woo, new look to my LJ, I may change it though, I'm not too happy with it. :(