will werk 4 food

Nov 03, 2003 18:16

i love how my dad buys dinner for everyone in the house except me and its my fault. i'm not even a part of this fucking family anymore. why is my life so difficult. i'm a good fucking person. i swear, i get straight A's never ask for anything and this is what i get. what the fuck have i been nice and sweet and geniune for? i have nothing to fucking ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

tha_ghettochild November 4 2003, 03:40:34 UTC
i don't understand how thats your fault.
parents never seem to realize how their own kids are actually good kids. its lame.
i hope things get better for u.


thisdollsface November 4 2003, 06:53:58 UTC
thanks sweetie.


cigarette_sting November 4 2003, 22:23:34 UTC
save up and move the fuck out man.


thisdollsface November 5 2003, 21:47:11 UTC
thats the plan.


hungry hungry hippo anonymous November 10 2003, 08:59:41 UTC
i think your parents are right, they want you to push away from the table alread - fatty.
parents love to play mind games. learn karatee. kick some ass. join the boy scouts, all the really fresh meat is there anyway.
now blow off.


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