Apr 05, 2007 21:58
So, I have changed my homepage back from livejournal to poems.com...today was a bust, but at least I am regularly reading poetry again. It's like running into an old friend and making small talk until you get comfortable with eachother. I dunno...it's nice, but I am thristing for something really phenomenal poetry-wise to jump out at me. Sandra gave me a literary magazine from the University of Honolulu for my birthday. Perhaps what I am looking for will be there. Also, two big things happened this week for me concerning the whole dental thing. One: I took my first set of x-rays on a live person (rather than on a human skull covered in rubber), and Two: I assissted on 2 extractions consecutively without getting dizzy, or nearly passing out! :D I just might become Dr. Aurora Graves after all...but we shall see. Well, that's all the big news for now. Birthday party in Lakeland this weekend with Athena and Lizzy, etc. And it's kinda nice to update, think I'll pick this whole journal thing up again for a while.