Thu, 12:37: I should have been asleep hours ago but I guess I'm on death watch with the rest of the world. I will always remember the queen who terrified King Abdullah by driving him
Thu, 12:39: Meanwhile, doctors are "concerned about Queen Elizabeth II's health" and her family is gathering and the BBC is wearing black. Yeah. Concerned.
Thu, 12:40: Like her or not, her death truly is the end of an era.
Thu, 13:32: And she's gone. The Queen is dead. Long live the King.
Thu, 14:16: There's so much going on in my country, but I'm crying for the Queen of the country my own nation broke away from in insurrection. She's been the queen for my whole life.
Thu, 14:17: And now Prince Charles of Wales is King. Freaking Seriously?!
Thu, 14:18: Anyone else wish that there was now a Queen Anne?