Nov 22, 2006 20:59
I only ever hatehatehate my job at the holidays. The rest of the year, I can work over 8 hours, on a register the entire time, and still not be worn out. Today, there wasn't a single minute where we didn't have lines backed up, even with all registers open, and within an hour of opening up, I thought my back was going to blow up. Ugh. I think tomorrow I might slather a whole tube of Ben-Gay on my back, elbow, and both knees & ankles before I go in. I bet I'd feel better. Hmmmm.
Amanda keeps blowing me off. I'm going to stop calling you, until you decide to make an effort yourself. It's not fair, and it's not nice.
My head is filled with bad pop. Stupid Muzak.
I went to be fitted for my bridesmaid dress for Trish's wedding, and they didn't have to do a thing to it. I can't remember what size it was, but it was smaller than I thought I wore, and I'm a perfect size (whatever). I have to add elastic to the shoes, though, because I have long, narrow feet. Impossible for anything to fit perfectly. Whatever. $2 at Joann's, and 15 minutes with needle and thread, and I'm done.
Deposited my Haunted House paycheck today. Less than I'd hoped for, but about what I make in a week at Lowe's. Eh. I don't know if I'm going to do it again next year. That was a whoooole lot of stress, for not too very much money.
Ugh. I just showered, and I already feel filthy. Mostly from work, a little from walking to/from car outside in the nasty wet. I, moron that I am, left my window open for the first 3 hours of my shift today. Blegh. My car smells so gross. Mildewy.
Awwwww. Prettiest kitty in the world. I loooove my baby, so very-very much. Anyone who doesn't have a cat is missing out like whoa.
Ben has a pomegranate. I'm going to yoink some.