Oct 12, 2005 21:08
Ok, sorry about that last emo blog. Kinda, meh, I don't want to talk about it. Lets just say, guys suck.
But i am over that now, *over that not him* and i want to say that i love band class. heh. lord, when we dont have to do anything and me and *this guy* get to hang out. Today he ended up getting punched in the face *not by me* on accident. it was funny. i couldnt stop laughing. ok, here is the situation. He was behind my back, and did the thing where I put my hands behind my back and he uses his arms for mine. well, first he grabbed my boob, but i laughed that off, but then me/him and Curley Fry/Red Man got into a "fight". I couldn't stop laughing. I guess you had to be there.
Alright. Also, before school, I was walking to my locker and he walked up *he is never at school this early* and he walked up to me and we were talking by my locker and douchey McDouche douche *the other tuba player* walked up and started talking to us. meh, we convinced him to leave and we walked to his locker, where he proceeded to complain about the people who have lockers next to him. I told him to share with someone. *oh oh pick me pick me* heh, I act like such a freaking four year old when i like someone. but then like I was doing something and he just walked away. meh, guys and their ADD. oh well, I hope that he shows up tomorrow. He is a super cool kid.
I took the PSAT/MPSQT or something like that. Meh, I was freezing. oh well. I just joined weight watchers yesterday. that make me happy. maybe fatty mcfat fat wont be so fat anymore. I hope so. I look terrible. so, about this long ass entry that absolutely no one will read, I think it is about time for me to depart. I hope that you children have a lovely day.