Title: Stop to Think
Characters/Pairing: Maureen, Collins, April, Roger
Rating: PG-13
Summary: If they'd stop to think about it, they'd love them
Notes: Written for Dented Plaster prompt #94 - Somebody to Love. Four drabbles about people who should be loving someone.
Disclaimer: Don't own it.
"That's very kind of you," Della said. "But I'm sure he'd love her if only he stopped to thing about it."
In a very quiet voice Rumplestiltskin said, "I don't think love is something you stop to think about."
-from The Rumplestiltskin Problem, by Vivian Vande Velde
If he'd stop to think about it, he'd realize that he isn't doing her any good, insulting her friends and putting her down. He'd notice what an amazing young woman she is: talented, beautiful, funny, loyal to a fault. He'd see that she's been hurt badly by the loss of her best friend and betrayal of her boyfriend, and that she's only managed to start healing because of the vaguely scruffy looking young man who's attached himself to her. He'd see all this and realize that he just wants her to be happy, and that he loves her very much.
If he'd stop to think about it, he'd probably tell his lover the truth. He'd tell him that he hadn't been very careful in the past, and that his last test had been two years ago. He'd feel ashamed of how flippant he is about their relationship, how he brushes off the heartfelt gestures, the oh so sincere 'I love you's. He'd see that, though he's independent, his lover needs him. He'd realize that he's been a jackass to one of the sweetest men on the planet and would kiss him and love him and resolve to never leave him.
If she'd stop to think about it, she'd let herself acknowledge that he treats her far better than she deserves from him. She'd realize that, even though he seems to be hers, he's not, and never really was. She'd apologize to hell and back for what she did, how she got him, and would let him go (if he wanted) to get his true love back. She would sit back and marvel that he can (and does) love her, she'd get clean (and help him get clean too). She'd let herself admit that she does love him, despite all odds.
If only they'd stop to think about it, the love they've never felt would come rushing in. They would pull back, say 'how stupid I've been!', and cherish the person they should love, be it a daughter or a lover. They would see (and admit) their mistakes and do their best to change. They'd do everything - absolutely everything - in their power to make that special person happy. They would accept differences, admit secrets, give up the bad habits that hurt them. They would love. A noble theory, with only one flaw:
Love isn't something you stop to think about.