it's a good thing that we didn't have school this week, because i would have missed probably every day, and then i'd have a shitload of work to make up.
physically i'm not so great, but mentally i am just dandy at the moment. :) i really am so lucky to have the people that i do in my life. i was looking over some old pictures, and instead of recapping this night, i just figured i'd make some comments on some pictures -
(i apologize for the blurriness, and also i apologize for not having many pictures. i love more people than just these 3! my camera needs to come out of her hibernation!)
i love random nights like that. :) last night i finally saw donnie darko and the world didn't collapse. now i am all into finding websites with the different interpretations, like i knew i would. and i've been watching desperate housewives since i have the time now, since i am all sickly and achey. i saw an infomercial last weekend for this thing called
eye-q. it's supposed to help with reading comprehension and speed, and i hope that it will work. i've always had problems with reading comprehension, and i really think that if i got better at it i'd be a lot more interested in the work i do in school and also be more aware of what is going on in the world. i always start reading something and then get lost in the words and it's so difficult for me that it's more of a burden. i really hope that i didn't just fall for some lame infomercial, heh. we'll see. :)
so i am going to go rest up, i was supposed to go to another show at the crazy donkey with cait, katie, and granger, but i am too sick, i can barely keep my eyes open (don't ask why i'm on the computer, i really don't know..) and i shall get back to my housewives-athon! ciao.
heh, being sick makes me so nerdy.
ps - i love how i almost forgot that i even took a midterm today. oh 2nd semester.. what now? <3 .